Chapter Seventeen

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The song Daniel sings to Lilly is linked.

Xoxo XxlifestuffxX

Chapter Seventeen


She was killing me with her eyes. I could feel it. And see it. She was very obliviously glaring at me. Her eyes were narrow. Her lips a thin line. And her purse was being strangled by her very clenched fist. I swallowed hard. Is this the ex I was supposed to scare away? Shit..

“Lets go mingle love.” Daniel pulled me with him. He walked around talking to some people. I just smiled, nodded and laughed when I was supposed to. I didn't say much. Daniel did most of the talking. And he was quite good at it. People adored him. Well, he could be pretty charming when he wanted to. And he was acting very charming right now.

He had his arm around my waist. In his free hand he had a drink. I hoped he could control himself tonight. He sipped at it. Well, that was good. I didn't take one. If I was driving home this time too I didn't want to be drunk driving. And even worse. Drunk with Daniel Black. Drunk with charming Daniel Black. With needy Daniel Black. I needed to stay sober.

“How did you guys meet?” A woman in the fifties asked and smiled at us. “Um we..” I mumbled and looked up at Daniel. He decided to help me. “I was at the bar with some of the guys when a beautiful voice began to sing up on the stage. I looked up and the girl was even more beautiful than the voice. I just couldn't keep my eyes from her.. I wanted her to be mine. When she was done singing I went over to talk to her. At first she rejected me but after a lot of talking and a lot of charming, I finally won her over. I got her number. And after that.. well, things just kept going my way.” He leaned over to kiss my cheek softly and nuzzled his nose against it.

“Aw! That's so sweet!” The woman exclaimed and clapped her hands. “Can you sing?” The woman then asked and her eyes widened. “Oh.. I..” I stammered and smiled nervously. “She has the voice of an angel.” Daniel whispered and smiled softly at me. “Please sing something.” She squealed and smiled widely. I shook my head and smiled apologizing. “I-” Daniel squeezed my waist and chuckled. “Of course she will sing something. Right, darling?” I glared up at him. He simply smirked down at me. Bastard.

“And Daniel you could play something on the piano.” She gestured to the piano. I haven't even realized there was a piano until now. “Of course. Come on sweetheart.” Daniel pulled me with him towards the piano. “Daniel.” I hissed quietly at him. “What?” He hissed back as quietly as I had hissed at him. “What are you doing?” He sat down and pulled me down to sit next to him. “We're gonna play a song.” He whispered and strayed the piano with his fingers. “Why?” I asked and frowned. He didn't answer me.

“What should we play love?” I shrugged. “Riverside?” The woman clapped her hands again. “I love that song!” Daniel smiled at the woman's excitement. “Riverside it is.” He began to play. I panicked. Shit, shit, shit.. dammit! Why, why, why?

I was supposed to sing in few seconds. Dammit. Down by the river by the boats.. Where everybody goes to be alone.. Where you wont see any rising sun.. Down to the river we will run..” I kept on singing. Daniel kept on playing. People gathered around us. Soon almost everyone in the room were standing near the piano. Listening to us.

I could hear some of them whisper. I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying. Something about Daniel.. something about me.. something about Jessica. Who was also standing near us. Watching us. With her narrowed eyes directed at me. I was so dead.

The song ended. Finally.

“Encore!” Someone yelled. “Encore!” Another one yelled. And soon everyone was chanting it. Dammit. I coughed. “Sorry.. my throat hurts.” I held my hands up to my neck. Daniel rubbed my back. “Oh sweetheart. Then you should rest your voice.” He caressed my cheek lightly with his fingertips. They softly ran over my lips.

“Then you sing Daniel.” Someone said and everyone seemed to agree. “Yeah.. you sing something love.” I said and smiled at him while tilting my head. He smirked at me. “Maybe I should.” Everyone cheered. “What do you wanna hear babe?” He asked and looked right at me. “Surprise me.” I bent over to kiss his forehead. He cleared his throat and turned around to look back at the piano. He placed his fingers on the keyboard and looked carefully at it. “This is for you sweetheart.” He winked at me. Then he started to play again.

You know I'd fall apart without you.. I don't how you do what you do.. Cause everything that don't make sense about me.. Makes sense when I'm with you.. Like everything that's green, girl I need you.. But it's more than one and one makes two.. Put aside the math and the logic, of it.. You gotta know you want it too.. Cause I wanna wrap you up.. Wanna kiss your lips.. I wanna make you feel wanted.. And I wanna call you mine.. Wanna hold you hand forever.. And never let you forget it.. Yeah I wanna make you feel wanted..

My heart started to beat faster. My lips curled up in a smile. My cheeks grew hotter. He was singing this to me. Chills went down my back. I bit my lip.

Anyone can tell you you're pretty.. And you get that all the time.. I know you do..” I blushed. “But your beauty's deeper than your makeup.. And I wanna show you what I see tonight.. When I wrap you up.. When I kiss your lips.. I wanna make you feel wanted.. And I wanna call you mine.. Wanna hold your hand forever.. And never let you forget it.. Cause baby I, wanna make you feel wanted..” Baby.. he called me baby. And there was no smirking. No teasing. No snorting. Just the word baby. Well, it was in the song, but still. I bit my lip and smiled at him.

As good as you make me feel.. I wanna make you feel better.. Better than your fairytales.. Better than your best dreams.. You're more than anything I need.. You're all I ever wanted..” He looked up from the piano and looked me right into my eyes. Those beautiful green eyes.. “All I ever wanted.. And I just wanna wrap you up.. Wanna kiss your lips.. I wanna make you feel wanted.. And I wanna call you mine.. Wanna hold your hand forever.. And never let you forget it.. Yeah I wanna make you feel wanted.. Baby I, wanna make you feel.. wanted.. Cause you'll always be wanted..

People around us clapped and said 'aw' and 'so cute'. But I didn't care. I barely noticed. I just stared at him. And he was staring at me. We just sat there staring at each other. I wanted to say something but I couldn't. Then he did.

“Is she looking?” I frowned. “What?” He rolled his eyes. “Jessica. Is she looking at us?” My jar dropped. So that was why he sang that song for me. He just wanted to make Jessica jealous. He didn't mean a word of it. It was just an act.

“Yeah.. she's looking.” I whispered and glanced at her. She was staring at us. She was biting her lip so hard it was about to bleed. “Good.” Then he kissed me. On the cheek. Everyone said 'aw' again. I wanted to cry. I felt so used.

Jessica turned around to walk down a hall. “She walking away.” I whispered to him. He looked behind him. “I'll go after her. Just stay here.” Then he walked away. And left me alone. Again. I bit my lip. I wanted to cry so bad. Stop it Lilly. He's not worth it.

“Not bad.” I looked up. “Trevor. Why are you here?” He smiled down at me. “Aren't you happy to see me?” He asked and tried to look sad. I laughed and shook my head. “Of course. But why are you here?” He looked around. “I just came to watch. You know, a fashion show with hot models.” He winked at me. “Of course.” I chuckled and looked around at the people here. They either looked very rich or very hot. Or both.

“Where is my brother?” I flinched. “With her.” I whispered and looked down at my hands. “Who?” Trevor looked confused. “Jessica.” His eyes widened. “What?!” I shrugged. My eyes stung a bit. “Are you okay Lilly?” He sat down at the piano bench next to me. “Of course. Why wouldn't I be?” I bit my lip and closed my eyes. I rubbed my eyes, careful not to ruin the makeup.

“Lilly?” He put a arm around my shoulder. “Tell me what's wrong.” I shrugged. “Nothing's wrong.” I whispered and tried to keep away the tears. “Please don't lie to me Lilly.” I looked at him. He looked sad. “It doesn't matter.” He shook his head and smiled. “Of course it does. Now, please tell me what's wrong.” He looked so kind. So sweet.

“Me. I'm what's wrong.” I whispered and let a single tear fall down my cheek.

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