Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


I woke up. It was still dark outside. It was four am. I leaned back and pulled the quilt up over my face. Why can't I sleep? I turned. Then turn again. I couldn't find a comfortable way to lie. I sighed and lay on my back. I starred up at the ceiling. Sleep dammit, sleep.

It had stopped raining. Everything was quiet. So quiet. And it was dark. I was supposed to sleep but my brain apparently hated me. I kept on thinking about those eyes.. those green eyes.

Please say something.

I couldn't get that voice out of my head.

Did you hit your head?

He sounded so concerned. He didn't even know me.. why, oh why, can't I just forget about him? I'll properly never see him again. And he's with that model. She was so beautiful. With her long blond hair. It looked so soft. And those blue big eyes. I'll bet her body was to die for.

They were perfect for each other. Like Barbie and Ken. Made for each other. Dammit.


I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about her. Her brown hair. Her brown eyes. Her sent. Her voice. Why was I so obsessed with this girl? I didn't even know her name.

What if she didn't came home? What if she was so much in shock that she hit another car? What if she got hurt? Why do I care? I don't know her? Why? Why don't I know her. Why? Why can't I get her out of my head?

I gave up falling back asleep. It was five am. I took a quick shower. I ate some breakfast, that Sophie had made. I changed into a suit. A black one. I found my briefcase. I looked in my calender. My first meeting was in four hours. I could go to my office. I would find something to do. There was always something to do.

I got in my car, a black BMW, and drove away. Buildings passed. The lights were out in most of them. People were sleeping. I wasn't. I was driving.

It wasn't raining like yesterday. Somehow I wished it was. Maybe, just maybe, she was driving too. Maybe, just maybe, I would meet her again. I shook my head. It was stupid. I was stupid. I should go out tonight. Maybe meet with some of the boys. Or a girl.

I stopped for red. I tapped my finger on the wheel. I turned the radio on. Oh, her eyes, her eyes, makes the stars look like they're not shining. Her hair, her hair, falls perfectly without her trying.. It turned green. I drove.

I turned off the radio. I sighed and drove on to the parking lot. I parked and stayed in the car. I stared up at the building. My building. My company. My responsibility. It was big. In every way. It was hard sometimes. My dad had learned me a lot about the company and business, but not everything. There was a lot you needed to know. Things I learned, by myself.


I stood up. It was six am. I sighed and got dressed. I took on some black jeans, a white sweater and a little mascara. I brushed my hair. I went into the kitchen with my bag. Aunt Mary was no where to be seen. She was properly still sleeping. Some of us could.

I made some eggs and bacon. I sat down at the kitchen table and ate it. There was so quiet. I took my headset I my ears and turned on some music. I hummed to the music. Then I started to sing. I got a little carried away.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I screamed and jumped. I pulled out the headset. “Save some for tonight.” Aunt Mary said and laughed. My cheeks reddened. “Sorry. Did I wake you up?” I asked. She shook her head. “No. I just heard you from the living room.” She smiled softly at me. She caressed my cheek and then went to the fridge.

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