Coriolanus | 36

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"It's perfect Des. I love it," I admire myself in the mirror before turning to her. She has her hands clasped against her face smiling as big as possible. "I love you."

"Oh, Coryo baby, you look so handsome. So powerful," She gushes over the maroon ensemble. White striped button up shirt with a maroon quilted suit vest, maroon trousers, and the finishing touch, a maroon trench coat with fuzzy texture on the back fold over lapels. "It's just as I envisioned it."

"All of these outfits are amazing," I turn back into the mirror.

"You're definitely going to get me major points when you model these for me tomorrow," She eyes me up and down.

"Can I wear it to Sejanus' parents house afterwards? I'm going there for dinner to celebrate his birthday," I ask wrapping her in my arms.

"Of course my handsome man, I love you too," She reaches up on her tip toes and connects our lips. "Meet me at my office 10am sharp so we can get you changed and put a little bit of makeup on ya." I have a day off of school due to good performances tomorrow so it made it even better I was able to help my girl out.

"This outfit and the cropped sweater vest with the high waisted wide leg trousers are probably my favorites," I take the coat off instantly feeling cooler without it. "You're so talented."


I wake up at 8am the next morning in my own room due needing to complete homework and actually needing to be focused instead of just burying myself into Mercedes. I stand from my bed with just my boxers on, shuffling to my newly renovated bathroom, looking in the mirror to find a clear reflection staring back at me. I turn on the shower immediately satisfied by the increase in water pressure.

After my shower I put on a pair of sage green slacks, a white undershirt, pulling a black fitted sweater on overtop. I throw on my fathers worn trench coat for the walk and head out the door after saying my good mornings to Tigris and Grandma'am, leaving with my satchel over my shoulder and a breakfast pastry in hand.


Once I reach the building it's 9:45am. I walk in and ask the receptionist for Mercedes' office. She leads me to the elevator and pushes the floor 20 button for me. The door opens and at the end of the hallway I see Mercedes through the glass walls sitting behind a desk. She looks up and instantly smiles, standing from her desk. I reach the door to her office and open it letting myself in. She leans against her desk, her long legs crossed at her ankles. She wears a very classy black fitted blazer, the lapels and collar lined with tiny pearls cinching her waist with a gold buckled black belt, black pencil skirt stopping just above her knees lined with pearls, finishing it off with snake skin black heels.

"Good you're early," She pushes off of her desk holding onto my waist giving me a kiss, "Follow me to the makeup area."

"You look amazing Des," I put my arm around her waist as we walk out of her office together. She sets me up in the makeup chair, turning on very bright lights as she stands in front of me . After a few minutes of her getting mad that I keep sneezing or subconsciously wiping off the makeup if my face itched, She finally turned the chair around showing me her work. I look the same, just a little bit more alive. She knew I wouldn't be impressed if she made it too dramatic like Tigris would.


"They loved all of my pieces! They want them all out for this winter and you my love, get to wear it first," She smiles wide holding my face in her hands. "Thank you so much for doing this for me."

"Anything for you Des."


I leave the office in the maroon ensemble heading home to grab a few things before I pay an old friend a visit at the academy. I've realized that in order to be the most powerful man in the Capitol I need to get rid of my enemies.

"Snow lands on top"


Sejanus Parents loved the picture of him and I, promising to frame it as soon as possible. They're considering developing a larger portrait version to hang above their fire place. I internally rolled my eyes. They also complimented my outfit and I let them know that my girlfriend designed it. Turns out when you're a walking build board you can give her more customers.

"Coriolanus, we were going to give this gift to Sejanus once he found someone right for him, but now," Mrs. Plinth pauses looking down at her hands. "Now we want you to have it." She pushes a small box across the table towards me. I take the box looking between the two of them before opening it. A gold band stares back at me with the most beautiful diamond I've ever seen.

I denied the gift at first, but they insisted it's what Sejanus would've wanted. Chills rolled over my body and my heart began to hurt. I don't think Sejanus would've wanted any of this.


I returned to my flat above after dinner, seeing Mercedes waiting in the living room with Grandma'am and Tigris. All three laughing over tea and cakes.

"All of my favorite women in one room," I smile hanging up my coat in the hall closet, running a hand through my hair. "Now you get to enjoy what Mercedes worked so hard on. What do you think?" I do a spin with my arms up.

"You look so handsome," Grandma'am gushes her hand on her chest.

I look towards Tigris, her face stiff and nostrils flared, "I think you look just like your father Coriolanus."

Ouch. Is that a compliment? I don't think it was.

"Our future leader of Panem," Mercedes throws a wink at me. Tigris excuses herself heading into her room. "Well that's my cue, I should head home." The two of them are slowly rebuilding their friendship, but I think that me agreeing to model for Mercedes before Tigris sent her over the edge.

"You're not staying?" Grandma'am asks frowning.

"I really should go back, I have an early morning in the office. I have to send out materials and my stencils for my winter line first thing," She stands grabbing her coat.

"I'll walk you out," I say grabbing my coat back off the rack, reaching into the pocket to make sure the box is still in my possession.

We ride the elevator down and walk to her car hand in hand. We got her a private parking spot since parking on the street is dangerous and we can afford it now. We reach her car and an overwhelming wave of emotions hits me. I need to do this now.

I stand in front of her, her back pressed against her car door. The sun is set, leaving a hint of pink in the darkening sky, we're surrounded by the sounds of the city.

"Mercedes. I'm so embarrassed. I'm about to do something in the worst way possible. You deserve a candle lit dinner or a firework display in the sky," I grab her hands in mine. She stares up at me with a confused look on her face. "I love you with my entire being and I have for a long time, even before I knew it was love. I know I still have to go through university and we will wait, but I can't wait any longer to ask. I need you everyday in my life. You keep me grounded, keep me fighting, keep me believing there are good people in this world. You're my other half and my perfect fit. I can't imagine life without you again."

Tears well in both of our eyes. I reach into my coat pocket pulling out the ring, I lower to one knee, keeping one of her hands in mine, "Mercedes Trandafir, will you do me the honor and marry me? Stand by my side throughout the rest of my life? Become the future First Lady of Panem?"

"Yes. Yes, Coriolanus. Oh my god!" She jumps up and down, bending over to grab my face and pull me back up to standing, crashing her lips against mine. I slide the ring on her finger and my heart explodes. I feel on top of the world

This is just the beginning.

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