Coriolanus | 30

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I stand in disbelief, She looks gorgeous. Her body fit and her ass rippling with every step. Her breasts threatening to spill out of the push up bra she wears. I can't look away.

"Coriolanus, you shouldn't be there," I turn to see Pluribus climbing the stairs to meet me.

"Hello to you too," I smile at him

He places a hand on my shoulder, "I don't think she'd want you seeing her like this. Why are you home?"

"I got discharged. I'm going to the university in the fall. I came to tell Mercedes," I explain myself glancing back at her on the pole.

"Maybe you should try in the morning, son," He starts to push me away from the railing towards the stairs.

"Pluribus, I know you'd never turn down a paying costumer. What is going on?" I ask allowing him to lead me down the stairs, stopping on the landing.

"She hasn't been the same since you left. The night life is getting the best of her Coriolanus. She's about to lose her job if she doesn't stop this. She's up all night and trying to go to work during the day. She goes in still drunk half the time. Please just try in the morning when she's thinking more clearly," He speaks in a hushed tone leaning in to my shoulder so I can still hear.

"Okay," I say agreeing. "Is Tigris here? Can I still just stay and have a couple of drinks? She won't recognize me without my hair."

"I haven't seen Tigris in two months Coriolanus. And fine, but when I say stay hidden, I mean it,"He gives a firm pat on my back. "First drink on me. Welcome home."

I follow him down the rest of the stairs getting a better view of my girl. At least 75, mostly men, stand around her elevated stand extending their arms to give her money. A sting of jealousy shooks through me as she throws smiles and winks at those she collects money from. She drops to her hands and knees crawling to one of them and nods her head at them. He stuffs a wad of money into her bra and hands her a cigarette. She reaches out and gives him a sloppy kiss.

I stand from the bar stool, unsure of my next move. Pluribus puts his hand on my shoulder pushing me back into the chair, setting my drink in front of me, a double of course. I take the glass throwing the straw out of it and chug it in 2 swallows.

I order another one watching as she gives more and more men attention. I've never felt this jealous. Not even with Lucy Gray. Well fuck Lucy Gray. I drain my second drink and order a third. Pluribus gives me a look of warning, but I wave him off.

What feels like months pass and finally she's escorted off the stage, the building erupts in cheers as she makes her way past me and up the stairs to her room. I look to Pluribus and he's busy talking to a costumer so I slide off the stool and basically stumble up the steps. I reach her room my heart rate increasing with every step and I knock on her door.

"I'm sure you mean well, but I'm tired. Thank you for supporting me tonight!" She yells through the door.

"Des, It's me," I lean my body lazily against the door frame as I hear the door unlock but the knob doesn't turn. "Mercedes please. I had to see you. Pluribus told me not to, but fuck Des. I missed you so much."

There's a bang against the door and she cries out. I back away from the door unsure of what to do, my heart pounding in my head. After what seems like minutes, the knob turns and the door slowly opens.

There she is. Looking like she aged over the few month we were away from each other. She's still wearing her outfit from on stage but a transparent white floor length robe on top with layered tulle at her wrist and dragging on the floor. Her makeup smeared and eyes watering. A white powder sits below her nose. She swipes it almost as if she saw my gaze lingering there.

"Des," I step towards her removing my cap. She backs away as if she's a wounded animal and I'm a hunter.

"Coriolanus, what are you doing here?" She whispers with wide eyes. "This isn't real." She runs her hand through her hand and turns around to sit on the edge of her bed as if her body is being controlled by a puppeteer, her movements uncoordinated.

I follow her into her room closing the door and locking it behind me.

"I just got released from my duties. I'm home for good, going to the university in the fall," I set my hat on the chair at her vanity, the only place not overrun by bottles, cigarettes, and clothes. "I had to come see you first. There wasn't a day that passed that I didn't think about you my love."

She scoffs, "Did your songbird break up with you." I stand in front of her looking down at someone held together by a piece of thread, threatening to break away. She looks up at me through her false eyelashes, silver glitter dusted on them.

my face twists at her comment, "We were never dating, I stayed faithful to you the whole time I was away. Doesn't look like you did the same." The drunken words spill out before I can stop myself, instantly regretting it.

She stands fast, almost to eye level with her heels on. Her green eyes quickly scan my face, filling with tears, "You can't say a thing about me Snow. You left me! You left me and everything changed!"

"I wrote to you! Everyday, damnit! I never got shit back from you Mercedes! I tried!" I raise my voice at her, feeling heat flush my eyes. "You didn't even care to write once! I needed you!"

"You lied! You cheated for that district trash and threw everything else away for her!" She pushes  my chest and I stumble backwards, my reflexes decreased from the alcohol. She doesn't stop, beginning to pound on my chest. I grab her wrists pushing them to her sides. As I examine her body closer, I see bruises spotted on her abdomen, attempted to be covered with makeup.

I see red, "Who did that to you, Mercedes?" I whisper through gritted teeth.

"Like you would even care," She quietly sobs out, not having to look down to see what I'm talking about. Her shoulders slouch and she releases the tension in her arm.

I cup her face in my hands, seeing the exhaustion in her eyes, "Mercedes please. Stop fighting me. I want to talk about this. I want this."

She stares into my eyes, slightly swaying. My beautiful girl, bruised and beaten.

"I don't know what I want, Coriolanus," She turns around walking back towards her bed. I grab her wrist turning her back to me, pulling her into my arms. Maybe if she just remembers what I was to her, we can fix this. I need this. She's stiff in my arms, not hugging me back. "Get off of me please." She whispers, her chin on my shoulder.

I'm taken aback from her request and slowly let go, "Mercedes, if I leave, I don't know if I'll come back. I'm tired of everyone fucking leaving me."

"You and me both," She laughs out. "Tell your cousin I said hi when you get home. I hope she's doing well these days."

"I will. I'm guessing drugs and prostitution aren't her cup of tea," I scoff picking up my hat from her chair.

"Fuck you Coriolanus," She spits out, hugging herself.

"Dessy, are you alone?" I hear a muffled voice from outside the door.

No. Fucking. Way.

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