Mercedes | 22

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"They made him go into the arena Mercedes. He had to kill a boy in there," Tigris confesses in a hushed tone as she and I walk towards our morning meeting to discuss sales and budgeting. "He was so upset all night long, just because poor Sejanus wouldn't leave the arena before the other tributes noticed them in there." Vicious children.

"Jesus Christ, he's going to be miserable when these games end," I sigh thinking of my poor sweet Coriolanus.

"Hey Mercedes, just wanted to congratulations on getting the Lucy Gray dress approved," Our boss, Mr. Lentz pats me on the back of my shoulder as he passes us on the way to the meeting.

"The what?" Tigris stops me in the hall. "Did you ask Coriolanus?"

"No, I don't need to ask him, She's not his property. I made a deal with Mr. Lentz to mass produce my Lucy Gray design, giving fifteen percent of the profits to her donations or survivor fund," I explain knowing this would blow up in my face either way. "Due to all the publicity from the interviews and betting, there were a few people requesting her dress and trying to make their own. So now they can get a replica of her dress and do some good." Jesus I need a smoke.

"Oh, wow Des. What a great idea," She nudges my shoulder as we continue to catch up the others.


150 dresses later, we've raised $225 for her donation fund. A good surprise for Coryo if I do say so myself. We'll probably expect more after she was chased after her own district because he had rabies. Poor kid.

I leave work, my hands cramping from assisting with all of dresses. I walk down the street to the club digging in my bag for a cig. When I look up I see rainbow dresses everywhere. I stop in the middle of the sidewalk, cigarette threatening to fall out of my open mouth as I let out a laugh. I receive some strange looks around me, but I don't care. I pick up my pace to the club and run to my room calling the Snow household.

"Snow Residence this is Tigris," Tigris voice comes through sounding a little out of breath, she must've just gotten home.

"Tigris! The dresses are everywhere! I saw so many little girls and grown ass women wearing MY dress," I exclaim taking a hit while I fall back on my bed kicking my legs.

"No way Des! That's amazing!" She pauses, "Hey Coriolanus you need to hear this." There's muffled sounds on the receiver and then a throat clearing.

"Hey Des, how are you," Coriolanus comes through on the phone sounding exhausted.

"Oh Coryo, it's so good to hear your voice. I miss you my dear boy," I flip onto my stomach crossing my legs at the ankles. "I'm great actually, I have some good news."

"I miss you too," He speaks in a hushed tone, before speaking normally again, "What's going on?"

"So I may or may not have made a deal with my boss to create the Lucy Gray dress for people to buy allowing fifteen percent of each dress to go towards her donations and victor fund if that's the case," I bite my lip unable to contain my excitement.

"Wow Mercedes," He laughs, "You did that for me?"

"Of course, honey. Anything to help those important to me," I inhale deeply. "I'll make sure you guys get a cut too once I get my earnings. we've already sold almost two hundred and I can only expect more. Probably even after the games end too."

"What are you doing tonight?" He asks abruptly. "I want to see you."

"whatever you're doing sweetheart. Want a ride?" I ask biting back a smile.

"Come get me in 20 minutes," He sighs.

"Of course, Mr. Snow. Your wish is my command."


Driving with the windows down on this warm night I let my hair flow freely, feeling fresh after my shower. I threw on a lilac babydoll dress with oversized sleeves and my pearled pointed flats before driving the quick comment to the Snow's penthouse. Puling up to the side, Coryo is waiting outside for me wearing black slacks a white undershirt, his hair looking damp.

"Hop on in handsome," I purr watching his every move. He slides into the passenger seat turning to me with a big smile on his face. "You hungry baby?" I ask.

"I'm starved," His eyes trail down my body.


We pick up grilled chicken wraps filled with lettuce, tomato, cheese, dressing, and onions, sharing a large side of sweet potato wedges, per Coryo request since I offered to pay. We eat in the downstairs area of the club, becoming my kitchen table before the doors open at 9PM. We're still in the soft launch process of opening, but Pluribus wanted to give Coriolanus one last surprise.

Once we finish eating, Pluribus comes out from the back with cleaned glasses for the back of the bar, "Hello Coriolanus. The games seem to be treating you alright."

"Hey, yeah it's a little rough, but anything for the glory of the Capitol right?" He sighs throwing a wedge in his mouth.

"Well I wanted you know how much we appreciate all of your help with the opening process here. So I wanted our official opening night to be on the night you win it all. I'm confident in that songbird of yours, she a musician and they're usually the smartest people around," He begins putting the glasses away pausing to see Coryo's reaction.

"Wow, I mean, I don't know what to say Pluribus, thank you really. I don't know what I'd do without you two," He glances between the two of us smiling widely.

"Ah, don't mention it son," He shakes his head, "I'm just glad I get to stay in business with the Snow's money." He throws a wink at Coriolanus.

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