Mercedes | 10

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The most perfect outfit I could pull together. bubble gum pink corset top, low rise bubble gum pink satin mini skirt, ringlet of curls pulled back in the biggest, pink satin bow I could find, pieces out to frame my face, and BOTH of my bubblegum pink heels. Adding the finishes touches of layering on my favorite gold pieces of jewelry.

Tigris arrives with her cousin to help with the remainder of setting up and help me with my makeup just because she's better at it than me. Coriolanus refuses to make eye contact with me and only mumbled out a greeting. On the other hand Tigris is acting her usual caring outgoing self, assisting me with the final touches as Coryo selflessly assists Pluribus' never ending requests right before we open the doors.

"Alright kids well done, let cheers and open those doors," Pluribus pours 4 shots of tequila and sets out one lime slice for Coryo. "You're gonna need that young'in." The three of us giggle at the thought of him not being able to handle the shot. We cheers and throw it back, easiest shot ever.

"Places everyone places!" I squeal clapping my hands together, overcome with excitement. There's a bartender at each bar with Pluribus sitting at the door with the guest list, 100 RSVP's room for 50 approved guests. We don't need to go down as a tragic night club that hasn't officially opened.


Holy shit, I should not have promised shots with everyone who thanked me for an invite. I head up to my room to touch up my makeup and stop drinking for a minute when I hear a knock at my door, "Come in," I call out from the bathroom.

"What are you doing up here? Are you feeling alright," Coriolanus appears from the door, his hair frizzy and eyes squinting from the change of lighting from nightclub darkness to fluorescents of my room. I walk out of the bathroom and stride over to him wrapping my arms around his waist, carefully avoiding my freshly touched up makeup from smudging onto the collar of his navy blue satin dress shirt. Satin must be the move tonight.

"Oh Coryo I feel great, " I pull away gleaming at him from almost eye level due to the height of my heels. "How are you my dear friend?"

He lets out a light laugh putting his hand on my shoulders to steady my swaying body, "Good, trying to take a little easier tonight," His face turns serious slowly lowering his arms to around my waist, but not with the same hunger as last night, "I didn't pressure you last night did I?"

My face falls and heart begins to pound in my chest, "You don't remember anything?"

"No, no Mercedes. I remember everything," His mouth ticks up in a quick smile, "I'm just a little fuzzy on the before and after of both occasions." He shrugs shoving his hands into the front pockets of his matching satin dress slacks.

"Oh, well on the first occasion, I don't remember anything except for almost shitting my pants when I found out it was you," I admit instantly feeling like I need another drink after this conversation. "As for the second event, very much consensual."

"Good, I hope I never made you feel uncomfortable and I'm sorry we did it anyways, that was a mistake," He shakes his head running a hand through his hair.

"Oh," I look to the ground admiring my pretty shoes.

"Oh Mercedes you know what I mean. You're my cousins best friend," He back tracks beginning to rub his forehead.

"Yeah Coryo I know, I'm sorry. I knew what you meant," I shrug it off smiling up to him. "This is the first time in a while that I've felt lonely so I'm sorry that I let all that happen." I cringe at my own apology.

"No worries, let's get back to your awesome party," He offers a smile and a hand. "We're all a little lonely."


More and more shots, champagne, and a mixed drink later, I'm on one of the tables with a pole swinging myself around, probably looking less cool than I feel. Across the walkway Tigris stands at the other pole giggling as she moves a lot more reserved than myself, joined with a friend. Everyone cheers us on and a few of my close friends pretend to throw capitol money our way. Coriolanus stands by the bar gleaming at me as he half pays attention to what his school friend has to say.

I jump as I feel someone shove a few bills in the edge of my skirt, turning to face who it is, I jump even more.

Soulless brown eyes stare up at me with a smirk on his face. When that look is in his eyes, I know, there's no going back until he gets what he wants. I let the money fly free and turn to the other side of pole, not letting this asshole ruin my night. I'll have to double check the guest list with Pluribus when the night is over. I try to send Tigris an SOS with my eyes, but she's too busy pulling another girl up to dance with and Coryo is nowhere to be seen.

"Hey Dessy, what's it gonna take to get you, me, and a couple of my buddies in one of your private rooms?" He calls leaning on to the surface with his face propped up by his forearms, eyes scanning me up and down. His friends around him turn away, sipping on their drinks physically grimacing at his comment.

"Ambrose, I'd rather you leave this club before anyone gets hurt," I reply not giving him the satisfaction of eye contact. I look for a friend in crowd to help me out without causing a scene with no luck.

"Fighting words from a little girl like you," He laughs throwing back the rest of his dark liquor before setting the glass on the surface where I stand. In a second he climbs up standing in front of me, towering despite the height of my heels. Sometimes it's not his height that makes him seem better, but the way he holds himself. I have my back pressed against the pole as he slowly creeps to push himself against me, as if I'm a wild animal who would run away if he breathed the wrong way. "Ah, yes. Not so big and bad from up here, just like always. Little Dessy Bunny." He strokes my frame pieces out of face behind my ears, allowing my gold bow earrings to shine against the club lights.

I refuse to look him in the eyes, scanning the crowd for help. My lip begins to quiver at the thought of his hands on me. He slowly trails his hand down from my shoulder to behind my back, allowing his hot breath, reeking of bourbon, blow on my face, "Good Dessy Bunny, good girl. Now get off of this pole you slut. Let's go to your room." He begins spotting kisses down my neck having nowhere near the same affect Coriolanus left me last night. Oh Coryo why can't you come save me.

"No." I mumble, eyes frantically searching for help. All of his friends have dispersed as if this is just another day for them, which for them, it is. They know how he operates when it comes to me. "You need to get off of me right now."

He grabs my hands and pushes me off to pole. To the average person, it looks as if a caring boyfriend is leading me to safety, but I hope someone sees right through him. My heart accelerates as I step down from the elevated surface, time seems to slow down and the music seems to dull, as if I'm under water, as his grip on my hand tightens threatening to break it from my wrist in one swift movement.

'no.' I think, ' this can't happen. I said I'd stand up for myself.'

Perfect Fit - Coriolanus SnowWhere stories live. Discover now