Mercedes | 9

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I cannot make the same mistake as last night. I need to promise Tigris not to bring Coriolanus with her tonight. After our shower, being the opposite of the purpose of a shower, Coryo went back to his room after I gave him a large glass of water and medication as I refused to let him sleep in my room for very obvious reasons in my opinion. This morning, well 12:30PM, Tigris woke me up letting me know the two of them were leaving and would be back in the afternoon for round two. Saturday nights are usually more exotic than Fridays in the capitol, especially because word got out I was hosting a very soft opening of the club tonight.

"Is your cousin coming back?" I whisper, my eyes still half closed feeling heavy from the events last night. I roll onto my back, my hair feeling cool against my back, probably still slightly damp from the shower.

"I- Um, I'm not sure. I figured he was since I've already asked?" She replies sounding caught off guard. "I can double check, unless you're not comfortable with him around." She mentions fixing the wrap around her head, eyebrows furrowed in question.

"No, no, no. He's great." I counter quickly. "Well I mean not great. I wouldn't know how good he is. I mean like he's cool to hang out with, just was wondering how he recovered after last night he seemed pretty drunk." I plaster a smile on my face try to backtrack.

"Okay?" She draws out side eyeing me, "Yeah I mean, he did seem drunk, but he was fast moving this morning, more spry than me."

"Great!" I exclaim the same smile on my face, throwing my sheet off of me as I'm increasing getting hot. My night slip dress strap falling from one of my shoulder as I sit up, tossing my tangled hair into a high bun. "I'm gonna get food and more drinks for all of us tonight and then I'll clean up the dance floor a little bit." Changing the subject.

"I'm so excited! This is going to be our future when you guys fully open, it's going to be amazing." Tigris stands from the edge of my bed and picks her bags off of the floor "Coryo can you come carry my bags?"

"Do you guys want a ride home?" I ask fixing my hair and making sure I'm fully covered before Coriolanus enters my room shyly, his eyes refusing to meet mine.

"Uh, no?" She turns to look to her cousin who grabs her bag from her hands. "Do you Coryo? I was thinking we'd walk and pick up some of this free doughnuts from the bakery on the corner." She wiggles her eyebrows with a smirk playing on her lips. It's become a tradition for Tigris after she stays the night, after noon a bakery gives out their less than fresh doughnuts for free because esteemed Capitol citizens wouldn't pay for anything less than fresh.

"I wouldn't mind the walk, thank you though, Mercedes," He tosses a light smile my way with a quick flash of eye contact before turning away. He wears the shirt I let him borrow with the same pants he wore last night, carry Tigris' bags over his shoulders. She can't go anywhere without a change of clothes and all of her endless skincare. Most of her products she's accumulated are our other coworkers and I who know how their situation is at home. We get free products from our partners and it becomes too much sometimes.

"Okay, see you guys later. I'll have Pluribus fix up your rooms for tonight if you're going to be staying again," I shrug off the rest of the covers, sliding off the edge of my bed to walk them out.

Can't wait.


"Mercedes really? I saw you come out of the closet I've pulled you in to on many occasions," Ambrose scoffs over the phone. I continue to pick up after my mess of a room trying to piece together the perfect outfit for tonight.

"I don't know what you want from me. We're done, Ambrose I thought I made that pretty clear to you," I fire back frustrated I can't find my left bubble gum pink heel with the satin cream bow on the back.

"I just want to know who you were with in MY closet in MY lake house. It's the least you can do for me Dessy," He tries to control the rising anger in his voice as he pulls out his last ditch effort of using the pet name he gave me.

"First of all it's your fathers lake house and that's not fair for the person I was with, without their consent," I take a deep breath sitting on the edge of my bed to shove a bite of chocolate crepe into my mouth sprinkling powdered sugar all over my bed sheets.

"There you go again, all about consent. It was one time Mercedes, get over it," He scoffs ending his sentence with a shake of a rocks glass and a swallow, adding, "Don't doubt that one day all of my father's belongings will become mine, when I become president of Panem and your sweet ass will be right next to me when you come around. I know you miss me already."

"Fuck you Ambrose Ravenstill. Don't bother showing your face here tonight and I mean that, Dickhead," I slam the phone on the receiver, wiping away a tear from my cheek I didn't know fell.


It's all perfect. The lights, the speakers, the full bar and the food galore. I cheers Pluribus' champagne flute planting a kiss on his cheek. I couldn't have done it without him and he could easily say the same. From him picking me off the streets, to me delivering every request to fix his club up.

"Thank you, you're making my wildest dreams come true Miss Mercedes. I don't know how I could've pulled together this cosmetic perfection without you," He wraps an arm around my shoulder staring up at the overly dramatically beautiful chandelier, picked by yours truly.

"Hold your breath until tonight ends. I don't want my friends of friends ruining all of this progress," I smile turning to fix the collar of his deep green satin dress shirt.

He lets out a laugh, "My sweet girl, if your friends ruin our club, it won't stand a chance to the public."

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