4 years later | 4

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Coriolanus didn't understand the seriousness of Pluribus' offer until Tigris woke him early on a Saturday morning to begin their journey to the night club for work.

The sun had barely rose on the dewy September morning, which didn't bother Coriolanus because the heat was soon to follow once the sun came out. He dresses in day slacks and a plain white T-shirt stained with who knows what. Finishing off his look by taking water to his curls to attempt to tame them and shoving on his shrinking tennis shoes.

The two cousins rush down the stairs and out of the main entrance to begin their walk.


Once they arrive to the club Pluribus and Mercedes stand outside to greet each other and make their way inside.

"On today's agenda, fixing the bar!" Pluribus announces with too much enthusiasm as the children's faces don't match his energy.

"The what?" Coriolanus questions looking around at the barely renovated building. It swims as though he's been "fixing it" for years.

"The bar silly, where adults, like Tigris and I can order drinks," Mercedes elbows Tigris and they giggle to each other.

"Gosh you have really no social awareness do you Coryo," Tigris gives him a concerned look as if to tell him to touch some grass.

"Sorry too busy getting better grades than you at school," he mumbles under his breath. Of course Coriolanus knew what a bar was, he was so distraught at how much the building changed throughout the war.


"Lunch break!" Mercedes squeal returning to the club with the most amazing sandwiches Coriolanus has ever seen. This is nothing compared to school lunches or what they can find at home. "Coriolanus this one is for you. I picked it out myself."

"Thank you," He smiles shyly at the beautiful girl in front of him. He grabs the sandwich from her and eats the whole thing in the matter of a minute.

"Goodness someone was hungry," Mercedes laughs, "Here have the rest of mine. I'm full."

He reluctantly takes the sandwich from her and butterflies fill his stomach along with the remainder of her sandwich.

Perfect Fit - Coriolanus SnowHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin