Coriolanus | 33

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I met with Sejanus' parents and they were happy to see one surviving child escape District 12. Yet, they have no idea that I'm responsible for their son's death. They offered to pay rent for our Penthouse and even live a floor below us now. What fucking suckers. That whole family. It's okay, Grandma'am could always use the company.

They also gave me a weekly allowance for food and clothes, which I desperately need. I gained weight in 12 and barely fit in anything anymore. I asked Tigris to go shopping with me and she reluctantly agreed.

"I know the Plinths are trying to reward you for being a good friend and coping with their loss, but why would you accept?" Tigris speaks lowly as we use the newly fixed elevator. She has her arms crossed over her feathered long sleeve dress. Each feather dyed a different color, with a matching hair clip.

"Tigris, really? You two almost had to sell the place I needed to save it somehow," I try to close my top button on my shirt but it won't budge. I run a hand through my slowly growing hair and shift my weight to look at her.

"It just would make me feel really guilty," She shrugs staring at the ground.

"Well, are you still going to feel guilty when I gift you a new dress while we're out," I fake a smile. What has gotten into her?

We exit the elevator waving goodbye to the doorman and she starts the hike of a walk to the fashion district. After a few moments of realizing I stopped moving outside the door, she turns.

"What are you doing?" She asks walking towards me, a line of sweat already visible above her lips.

"It's too hot to walk my dear. So I've called a ride," I smirk just as the familiar black car pulls up.

"Oh, Coriolanus I don't think I can do this. I haven't spoken to her in months," She begins pacing picking at one of the feathers.

"Never say never Tigris. We're going to make things right," I pat her cheek and open the rear passenger door for her.

Closing it, I open my own door and slide into the passenger seat. I turn to look at my real prize and greet her with a kiss on each cheek. She wears a deep pink tight suit jacket and matching pencil skirt with a white textured button up underneath.

"Good morning, you look stunning," I put the seatbelt on and sit back in the seat.

"Hi Tigris," She smiles shyly looking at her through the rear view mirror sliding her sunglasses down her nose slightly.

"Mercedes," Tigris nods anxiously shaking her leg. Mercedes lets out a small sign and throws the car in drive.


Once we park and walk in to the first store, it's as if the clothes instantly brought the two together. They begin stuffing the cart with items they found perfect for me, double checking with each other, but never me.

They pull clothes for each season and set up a dressing room for me piecing outfits together. After what feels like hours trying on clothes, we finally decided on 30 new pieces of clothing. I threw in 3 new outfits for Tigris.

"You are going to look so handsome," Tigris exclaims holding her bags out, as we walk out of the store. I glance at Mercedes and she smirks back at me.

"How about lunch?" I ask putting the bags into the trunk of her car, "on me of course."

"Coriolanus we spent enough money today," Tigris rolls her eyes getting into the car.

"It's never enough," I smile, my eyes meeting Mercedes'. She looks away quickly. "Okay fine. No lunch, but we are going out tonight. I've been home for 3 weeks and I'm starting school soon enough. I need a night out."

"You know I'm always down," Mercedes begins driving back towards our house.

"I'll pass, you two enjoy," Tigris plays with her dress in the back.

"Whatever you say, Tigris," I roll my eyes from the passenger seat, turning back toward the windshield.


After putting my new clothes away and having lunch with Tigris, Grandma'am, Ma and Mercedes, her and I head to the club, driving in silence.

Things still aren't normal between us and I think it'll be like that for a little while. Mercedes has stopped abusing, stopped dancing, and is the top performing designer at work again.

"I don't know what Tigris' problem is recently. Ever since I've returned, she's acted differently towards me," I take my black suit vest off, leaving just my baby blue button up shirt tucked into my black slacks.

"Well Coryo, you definitely grew a hard shell in District Twelve. I think that's maybe why. You're more of a man than just a kid. You can see it in your face. That's what I warned you about" Mercedes begins picking through her closet for an outfit. "She's used to caring for you and sheltering you."

I ponder her words, laying back on her bed. I have gone through quite a bit in a short period of time, but have I really changed that much? Mercedes flops onto her bed next to me, laying on her stomach, propping herself up on her elbows. She studies my face with an expression I can't read as I study her back. I reach out and stroke the side of her face feeling soft under my rough finger pads.

"I hope you're at peace now," She speaks softly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I shift closer to her, our hips touching.

"You're going to school, saved your house, finically stable. What more could you need," She says with the slightest look of disgust on her face, barely noticeable.

"I mean, yeah," I shrug unsure of what she's trying to get at. "I have so much more to prove still. This is only the beginning. I mean the officers from District Twelve knew my father. I need the keep our name relevant."

"You can be whoever you want to be Coriolanus. You don't need to hang your name over your head," She rests her hand on my chest. I just nod my head, not fully understanding by why she's being like this. "I'm just saying Coryo. Just so you know someone said it. You don't need to prove anyone anything or let it all get to your head," She probably feels my disconnect.

"Well, if anyone says it, I'm glad it's from you," I smile softly propping my head up with an arm underneath. I bring her face to mine, softly touching our lips together. Both of us have been moving slowly due to our break in trust, we still haven't had sex since before I left and that's alright, sometimes.

She pulls away, quickly pecking my lips before standing, "Pick out what I should wear tonight."

I smirk, pushing up on my elbows. She opens her closest doors all the way and my face falls, "Why do you still have that," I whisper.

"Have what?" She asking, her smile replaced by a look of worry. The purple to red gradient tool skirt staring back at me. My heart rate increasing. "Oh, that." She rushes over to the dress taking it out of the closet.

"Get rid of it," I scoff at her. Why would she keep that rebel trash? I hate Lucy Gray.

"Coriolanus, I hand made that, it's a beautiful design. You don't have to hate the dress just because of her. She went through a lot, at least we have her dress to remember all of the horror she experienced. I got my promotion from selling her dresses."She hugs the dress to her chest.

"Yeah I remember and gave all the money away when a better offer came along," I mumble sitting up fully.

"Really?" She unfolds her arms, "Are you really going to do this? Let it go, Coriolanus. You know I didn't have a choice. You don't need it now anyways."

"Besides the point," I shake my head. "I don't like seeing that dress."

"Then don't look at it. Grow up."

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