Mercedes | 20

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I apply lotion to my still damp body and shake out my dry hair. Due to the maintaince of my curly hair, I usually don't have time or the patience to wash it every night. I hear the phone ring from my room and rush out to answer, "Hel-"

"Mercedes, It's Coryo. I need you to take me to the hospital now," Tigris exclaims through the phone barely taking a minute to annunciate any of her words as if she's in a daze.

"What? What happened to him?" I ask holding a death grip on the phone, my head instantly feels dizzy, I have to sit on the edge of my bed in my damp shower towel.

"There was a rebel attack at the games arena while they were touring with the tributes. Coryo has severe burns and a concrete beam landed on him," She mumbles out between cries.

"Oh my god, okay Tigris. Give me three minutes I'll be right there," I hang up throwing the phone on my bed before quickly slipping on sage green slacks with a white button up finishing with my cream flats. Curse me being in fashion, everything becomes an event.

I grab my keys and bag and quickly rush out of the club getting into my car parked out front. After starting my car and driving toward their penthouse I pull out a cigarette and light it. I'm in a time of need right now, damn it. I pull up to Tigris waiting outside for me, looking more pale than usual, another boy standing next to her in the academy uniform. He opens the passenger door for her as he climbs into the back.

"Hi, I'm Sejanus, Coryo's friend," He introduces himself staring out the window, as if his introduction was on autopilot. I look to Tigris and she just stares out the windshield.

I flick the ash off of the cigarette taking a long draw as I wait for traffic to pass to pull out of the side lane, "I'm Mercedes, Tigris' friend,"

"Sejanus rushed to our house after the bombing to alert us, mentioned his driver had other business to take care of for his parents so I called you," Tigris rushes, dotting her eyes from the tears that threaten to streak her makeup. Things are a little tense between us because I was/ am? sleeping with her younger cousin behind her back.

"That's the only reason huh," I mumble to myself racing off to the hospital.


All three of us sit at his bed waiting for him to wake up from the medication he was given for pain. He looks so tired and slightly dirty from all of the debris of the attack. I take a look at Sejanus, he looks roughed up too, but obviously, not had bad as Coryo. I sit across from both him and Tigris, no one speaking only the tribute interviews playing in the background from the TV.

Suddenly Coriolanus stirs with a gasp, "Lucy Gray," The first words out of his mouth. He sits up in a panic looking around at all of us, his eyes lingering on mine.

"She's okay," Tigris grabs his hand.

"Lucy Gray saved me today at the bombings. She could've ran, The gates were opened, but she saved my life instead." He stares off in space as if trying to piece it all together.

We explain to him how the capitol is going on with the games despite the change to the arena and those who passed or escaped the area, including Sejanus' tribute.

"Now Lucy Gray from district 12," The TV announces. We all turn out attention to the screen above, as Coriolanus stands from his bed a little on the wobbly side, Tigris and I standing on either side of him. He reaches out and turns up the volume as Lucy Gray begins to sing with Pluribus guitar. I sigh a breath of relief that she got the guitar and that Coryo is okay. Coriolanus grabs ahold of my hand and I carefully lay my head on his shoulder. I turn to Sejanus standing next to me and he nods, almost as if approving of our contact.

The song is very moving and that poor girl sounds as if she's singing for the last time. I can't help but feel emotional, my chest tightens as I feel my eyes start to well, tears threatening to spill over. The song ends and cheers erupt throughout the TV , a few nurses nearby softly clapping. I turn and look up at Coryo, He looks down and me and sadly smiles, wiping my tears away.

"She's going to be great Coriolanus, I have faith in her," I whisper. "So does the Capitol." I gesture to the screen at all of her donations.

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