Mercedes | 6

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There's no way I'm going to be dressed by the time Tigris and her cousin arrive. I run around my "house" AKA the club going from room to room to attempt to find my favorite pair of heels I must've thrown off in a drunken state last week. Partying every weekend is not for the weak, especially in the capitol.

Finally in the last place I thought they would be, there they are tucked in the corner of the first level bar. My gold pumps with a snake for the heel. I snag them off the group, running back to my room to finish my look. I quickly tug them on then throw all of my essentials into my black leather shoulder bag, red lip stick, money, cigarettes. What else does a girl need?

Looking in the mirror, I admire my work. Tigris is going to flip when she sees me. Fitted black dress stopping at my upper thigh with a deep, wide cut out on my right thigh covered with strings of gold, an asymmetric strapless neckline, and gold detailing woven throughout the dress. I look hot. I quickly finish running the straightener through my long brown hair and swipe black eyeshadow over my eyelids calling it quits.

Just as I take the last sip of my pregame drink, I hear the front door revolving letting me know that they have arrived. I head down to the entrance of the, still unopened, club and see the two cousins taking in the updates to the renovation. The club is so close to being opened, I bet by the start of summer we'll be ready for business, we just need a few cosmetic touches and update our license.

"Wow you look amazing," Coriolanus speaks under his breath I barely make out his words. "The club. The club I mean, it looks amazing" He stutters out. Tigris and I share a look both fighting back a smile at his silly backtracking.

"He's right," Tigris turns in a circle. "I cannot wait to be here every weekend instead of the dumps and house parties we've lowered our standards to." Tigris speaks of higher status, even though I know everyday is a struggle for them. However being in the fashion industry, its hard to live without money to your name. I would be in the same situation as the cousins, I'm an orphan too, but Pluribus took me under his wing and wants me to set before he sends me off into the world and at almost 22 I better stretch out of my wings and fly away.


When we arrive at the party, it's more crowded than I could've imagined. It's at President Ravenstill's lake house, where his two sons have thrown the party without their father knowing. Ravenstill's oldest son graduated the same class as Tigris and I, the youngest is in Coriolanus grade and it shows with the amount of 24-17 year old's present all after the same thing.

A good time.

"Des, my dear you're looking glamorous this evening," The eldest son takes my right hand and plants a kiss just above the gold flower ring on my middle finger. Gross. The two sons could be twins, however the eldest has his hair kept closer to his scalp and the slightest of wrinkles beginning to shine through his clear complexion. AKA my ex boyfriend.

"Hi Ambrose." I roll my eyes pulling my hand away. 'don't forget how he treated you, don't forget how he treated you' I repeat to myself trying to break the hold of his bright hazel eyes. I'm done with toxic men. "What a lovely party, thank you for the invite." I take a sip of my drink already feeling the affects after my first.

"You're always invited my dear. Just as you're always invited to join me in the master suite tonight," He breaks our staring contest with a wink and turns away. I quickly make eye contact with Tigris and we both start laughing at how oblivious he is to the end of our relationship. I may have gone back to him 3 times, but this time I mean it. She told me I should try to be neutral with him to avoid him blowing up on me again like the last time.

"Des, we need to get you laid tonight, and not by that creature," Tigris shouts over the music, bringing the attention of her cousin our way. Poor Coryo he looks like a lost puppy trying to take in the scene. This is the first party Tigris has invited him to and it shows, she has explained to me that he puts his school work before anything else and good for him. I was never a star student, half the time I showed up to class hungover.

"Who was that?" He asks staring down Ambrose, who has quickly found another suitor and is attacking her face at the moment.

"Ambrose Ravenstill? My ex," I shout over to him as he cups his hand around his ear letting me know he couldn't hear me. I push past the dancing bodies next to me to create a triangle between the three of us to communicate better without me losing my voice in the first hour of the party. "My ex boyfriend!"

Coriolanus eyes widen as he turns back to Ambrose, disgust filling his features as he takes a big gulp from his drink, "Good, his younger brother is a prick too." He looks back at me and that disgust is thrown out the window real quick. He has turned into a handsome young man, the two cousins sharing similarities and definitely both have a few inches of height on me. "I'm going to get another drink, do you guys need one?" He asks both of us and we nod agreeing. He pushes past the bodies, almost tripping multiple times.

This could be a long night.

Perfect Fit - Coriolanus SnowWhere stories live. Discover now