Coriolanus | 24

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I can't stop myself from cheating even if I wanted to. I've formed an unhealthy relationship with my tribute and will stop at nothing to keep her alive and to win the Plinth prize.

Am I falling for Lucy Gray? Possibly. I feel like I'm responsible for her and she's always on my mind making me physically smile at moments.

I need to think fast for my songbird, she has to win. The compact with the poisoning and the smuggling capitol food were bad enough, but this might be my riskiest move yet.

Those fucking snakes.

I race out of the home base for the games and off towards Dr. Gauls lab. I pull my stitches, trying not to cry out from the pain.

"I need to see Dr. Gaul right now. Its my stitches," I turn my back to the officer at the entrance as the blood soaks into my blue academy button up.

"Sorry kid, she's in a meeting with her stylist, come back later," He shrugs flicking out the newspaper to hold it straight out again. "She already had to push it back because of her announcement."

"I know her stylist, I promise I won't be long," I turn the corner of the desk, pushing her lab doors open before he could stop me. "Dr. Gaul," I call out racing around the maze of her creepy belongings.

Sure enough Mercedes and Dr. Gaul sit over tea and cookies as multiple pages and fabrics of Mercedes work is spread across her desk. The two look up at me, both of their expressions unreadable.

"Coriolanus Snow, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Dr. Gaul asks, a smiling creeping up on her face. "We were just talking about you."

"It's my stitches, they busted. I started bleeding everywhere. Figured I'd come down here instead of the hospital," I admit, eye contact never wavering from Gaul.

"Well it certainly is a great excuse, even though you're interrupting the best part of my week here, with Miss. Trandafir. Once you graduate Coriolanus, you're going to need a stylist as good as her," She stands to prepare a sterile field for the stitches. "Mercedes my dear do you mind waiting in this chair over here as I stitch Mr. Snow back up?"

Mercedes nods eyes locked on mine as she shifts to the other side of the table so her and I face each other now. She stares at the ground, jumping slightly when one of the birds in a cage bangs against the metal.

"What are those?" I ask removing my red academy sport coat and unbutton my dress shirt.

"Jabberjays, a failed experiment of mine. I'm collecting them throughout the districts to find better uses for them," Gaul explains as she pats antibiotics on my wound. "Listen." She presses a button on her remote and the bird speaks word for word what she said as a tweeting melody sings underneath.

I glance at Mercedes and she quickly looks away, bringing her tea cup to her lips. What is her problem? I was buried in her last night and now she can't look at me?

I take in her look for today, always amazed at to what she pulls together and how different her style is from Tigris. She wears a deep red pencil skirt, splashed with a lighter red as if it a painter dotted water on watercolors, fading out the deep red. Matching fitted blouse with puffed sleeves on top with a light red corset vest layered, flattering her curves. Finishing off with her red bottoms and hair pulled out of her face, big voluminous curls today. If looks could kill.

"Mercedes, what's wrong my dear? It looks like you've seen a ghost?" Gaul chuckles, halfway done stringing the stitches through my skin.

"Oh nothing Dr. Gaul," She smiles, just her deep red painted lips curving upwards.  "I just get a little queasy with needles." Her eyes flash to mine for a moment before looking away.

"Oh, well I'm almost done here with Mr. Snow, then we can pick up where we left off my dear," Gaul ties off the end of the stitch and places a large bandage over top. "Besides, Mr, Snow was going to be informed soon enough as to how much money your little dresses for the girl raised and the changes we've made." Gaul stands and Mercedes smile falls.

I shoot her a confused look, but her eyes are everywhere but on mine. Gaul walks around the table, her heels on the floor the only sound, echoing as she stands behind Mercedes with her arm around her shoulder.

"It was very kind of Miss. Trandafir to transfer the donations from the girl to the game maker fund. Commission to a district or a student is against game policy, she was told yesterday," Gaul smirks my way. "How thoughtful of her to be willing to do that in the first place for a student she doesn't even know."

I try to search Mercedes face, but she won't give me the satisfaction. Her face turned away from me as she stands next to Gaul. She raised 5,000 in donations for Lucy Gray, and now nothing. Winner or loser that money was going to be used for good and now it's just thrown all away.

My jaw tightens so hard, I'm worried I'll break a tooth. Why didn't she tell me yesterday? I stand to my feet, anger swirling through my system begging to pull me back into my chair.

"Is that all Mr, Snow?" Gaul circles around me.

"Yes thank you," I speak through gritted teeth.

"Perfect, well I'll use this opportunity to walk Mercedes out. We have run out of time from your interruption, " She gathers Mercedes sketches and holds them in her arms. "It would be pointless to continue this meeting when we all know I'll take each design you create."

The two walk out together and I move quick to the snake tank the scientists are dragging away. When no one looks I shove the handkerchief into the slits in the tank, then return to the game room.

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