Coriolanus | 29

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Oh god. What am I going to do? I just shot the Mayors daughter and now I'm supposed to go to district 2 for officer training. They're going to find out. I'm as good as dead. I can't sleep so I pull out my journal.


I don't know if I'll see you again. Certain things are better left unsaid, but I wanted to tell you, fighting to come back home to you was always my goal, but now I don't know if that's achievable. I love you. I have from the moment I met you even if I was an ignorant kid not knowing what love was. I love you so much Des. If you ever get this letter, just know wherever I am, I'll still be loving you.



I tear out the page and tuck it in the corner of my storage box.


Lucy Gray and I met after we were told to search every home for those guns. We're leaving district 12 together in the morning to run away. If they find those guns, officer or not, I will be killed. Lucy Gray is all I have now.


Oh, Sejanus. What have I done? I got him killed. It's all my fault. I'm so sorry


I sneak out in the morning before the sun rises and meet Lucy Gray below the hanging tree. We make our way out into the woods.

"Sure will be nice to kill anyone up north huh?" She asks walking ahead.

The conversation changes quickly, words spewing from my mouth before I can stop, "Yeah threes enough for me. I'm going to make a walking stick do you want one?" I ask her bending over to grab a thick branch from the forest floor.

"Who's the third?" Lucy Gray asks turning towards me.

"Ouch, I got a splinter can you help me get this out?" I try to change the subject, my heart racing.

"Coriolanus. You said you killed three people, Bobbins in the arena and Mayfair's daughter, who's the third and don't lie to me," She commands.

"My old self."


It begins to pour as we reach the cabin. Lucy Gray told me where they keep the fishing poles. I crouch down to the floorboards wedging it out of the floor revealing a cloth wrapped around something. I unfold the cloth and my heart drops. The guns. Both of the guns that were used staring back at me. I pull it out familiar with the hold of it.

I can go home. Mercedes. Tigris. Grandma'am.


"What is it?" Lucy Gray asked behind me. I slowly turn around my thoughts going a mile a minute.

"It's the gun," I can't help but smile.

She nods slowly looking away. "The one you fired at Mayfair. We Destroy it, you're free. You can go back home. Will you?"

"No more loose ends," I smile stroking the gun in disbelief.

"except for me," She smiles sweetly.

"Besides you?" My face twists sour at her words. "You wouldn't tell."

"Course not," But her face says differently "I'm gonna go pick some Katniss."

"I thought you said it was too early for Katniss?" I smile thinking what a silly thing to say.

"The world changes quickly,"

"But Lucy Gray, It's still raining."

"Well, I'm not made out of sugar."


"I said Lucy Gray! Are you trying to kill me?!"


"Change of plans Snow, you're being sent back to the capitol."

My head is swirling as I get onto the train.

Mercedes. I'm coming home to you.


I left Dr. Gauls laboratory and basically sprint to the club, adrenaline keeping me awake from the past events. The light up sign above the club comes into view and I push harder tightening my grip on my officers hat.

I stop in front of the club looking at the line waiting to get in. What am I doing? What if she's not in here? It's a Saturday at 10pm, she'll be getting ready for her night or already starting it. I stop at the bouncer who looks less than impressed looking me up and down.

"Long day at work, kid?" He asks as he checks ID's.

"I'm here to see Mercedes," I pant out.

"Yeah, you and everyone else. Get in line. I don't give special treatment to officers," He points to the line. There's 50 or more people and it keeps growing. Everyone is here to see her?

"Is Pluribus here? He'd let me skip the line. Get him Please. I'm Coriolanus Snow," I put my cap on and straighten my uniform.

"Jesus. What happened to you? I thought you were going to help work here and you end up with the peacekeepers," He laughs. "Alright kid go ahead. No touching Mercedes. Standing room only. ten dollar cover."

I nod acting as if I understand what any of that means. I squeeze through the people waiting in line and push myself into the club. I bee line it to Mercedes room, taking the stairs two at a time and swing her door open. It's empty and looks completely different than the last time I saw it. Clothes are thrown everywhere cigarette buds cover her night stand, one still burning out.

I make my way back to the stairs when I hear cheering loudly from the floor below me. I look over the banister from the second floor and see a spot light on one of poles. I'm almost blinded by the reflective bra and thong ensemble worn by the dancer. She looks like a walking disco ball wearing tall silver heels with disco balls on the toes. She's faced away from me, her long brown coiled hair whipping back as she drops into a deep squat throwing her head back, arms extended from the pole.

Once she stands she struts around the pole facing my direction.

"Mercedes," I whisper to myself.

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