Coriolanus | 12

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"Tigris, where is Mercedes?" I interrupt her conversation with one of her designer friends, they clearly shoot me a disapproving look. I franticly look around after seeing her ex boyfriend and his followers make their way into the club.

"Up there Coryo. I'm about to jump up on the empty one over there if I get another shot in me. why?" Tigris raises an eyebrow as she throws a shot back, resting the glass on the bar. I follow her pointed finger to the elevated surface with the pole and the prettiest girl spinning around as if the top paying man in all of the capitol was watching her dance. I'm stuck in a daze, thinking back to last night, watching her slide down the pole both legs on either side of the pole as she forces her bottom back, arching.

"Just keeping an eye on the host," I shoot her a quick smile, stealing the next poured shot, throwing it back before stacking the glass in hers. She scoffs at me returning the smile. I give her a quick kiss on the cheek before marching closer to watch Des make a mess of my mind. I watch as people around her cheer and throw bills her way. Time seems to slow watching her move. One gets a little too close, stuffing a bill up her skirt with a lingering hand reaching for her ass under her skirt. Ringing sparks in my ears drawing out the music as my face heats up.

"Hey Dessy, what's it gonna take to get you, me, and a couple of my buddies in one of your private rooms?" I hear a slurring voice shout followed by laughter. Mercedes looks stunned as she throws the money down looking around for comfort. Her eyes move right over mine. She doesn't need me coming to her rescue, I'm a little capitol student, how am I going to stand up to the Presidents son. She would be embarrassed to see me throw a punch in public in front of fall of his friends.

I watch as Ambrose climbs up to dance with her for only a moment before I turn away. If things get serious I know where she'll need me without me causing a scene. I begin to climb up the stairs watching from the second floor balcony, they're on the move, heading towards the stairs. I quickly stumble down the hall towards her room closing the door behind me with the lights off.

"No ones coming for you Bunny, let's get this over with as painless as possible," I hear through the door, before it swings open, followed by Mercedes heels skidding on the floor, "What a stupid fucking slut you are Dessy Bunny. Always coming back to me like the good whore you are." I force myself to slow my breathing and heart rate standing against the closed bathroom door facing her bedroom door, where I see their silhouettes. The door slams shut and the lights flick on.

What a ugly drunk man, who's eyes glow red and posture slumps staring at Mercedes like a piece of meat waiting to prey on it. His eyes wander from her, widening at the sight of me. Then I see red.


Standing with one foot on the monsters chest, he groans in pain. I have no idea how I did such a thing, but it was pretty badass. Suddenly I'm knocked on my ass, making me regret my latest thought. my head bounces off the ground with a thud and Ambrose pins me down before I can react.

He looks me in the eyes and lets out a laugh, "Snow huh? You look just like your cousin. Like a girl." He swings back connecting on my cheekbone pain filling my face.

"Get off of me you joke of a man," I thrash under his surprisingly strong grip. Going back to my first plan I drive my knee up in between his legs, allowing him to fall over again, that was easy. I move quickly to climb on top of him swinging back as far as I can landing a punch square in the face, knocking him unconscious.

Snow lands on top.

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