Prologue | 1

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"-Wait, get back here Tigris!" Coriolanus Snow, 11, chases after 14 year old Tigris, as she runs away giggling making sharp turns around the penthouses many corners. Her legs being much longer than his at this age, due to their genetic pool of height on their side, allows her to slow her pace as she calculates the next move. Coriolanus picks up his pace after her, pumping his arms faster gaining on her, with a smirk playing on his lips as his stare intensifies on the prize of the last holiday chocolate in Tigris' grasp. 

Tigris turns quickly into her room closing the door behind her, pushing herself against it due to the missing lock from the wear and tear of the penthouse after the war. She lets out her exhaustion with laughter trying to catch her breath as a thud smacks against the door followed by the knob turning viciously. Tigris forces her weight against the door as she quickly tears the wrapping off the candy, her mouth watering just from the scent that the wrapping unleashes.

"Tigris please!" Coriolanus pleads banging on the door trying to propel his force to open the door with little luck. "No fair! Give that chocolate back to me! I haven't had one yet you hog!" 

Tigris slows on her mission to fulfill her aching, grumbling stomach at the thought of her poor cousin Coryo missing out on the desire of sweet relief from the reality of their situation. After a quick internal battle with a stare down on the strawberry gel filled dark chocolate candy in the shape of a rose, she crumples the gold wrapping back around the candy and releases her forcing weight from the thin paint chipped door. 

Coriolanus feels the force change and turns the knob pushing forward taking the doorknob off with him as he tumbles into Tigris' room. He stares her down panting with his hands on his bony knees, whining, "Tigris you know that was mine to have! I traded you the extra fabric I found in the back alley for it."

Tigris rolls her eyes at the thought of agreeing on the trade prior to grasping the soiled, ripped cloth he had mistaken for usable fabric. Coriolanus understood her dream of becoming a designer in the fast paced change of fashion in the capitol and only tried to help his cousin. Unfortunately for her, he had no sense of style. 

"Yes Coryo, I'm sorry, I did promise you after the very thoughtful trade you arranged," She admits, faking a smile, handing over the candy before instinct takes over at the thought of shoving it whole in her mouth. Tigris lights up as she watches his bright blue eyes shine as he stares at his prize. He unwraps the messy slightly melted chocolate and take a bite eating half of the rose bud size candy. Coriolanus lets out a sound of approval as the strawberry filling dirties his lips and looks up at Tigris. His brows furrow as he watches her smile drop eyeing the candy slowly melting in his hand, then eyeing his candy he extends his arm slightly upward towards Tigris allowing her to take the other half. 


This is how their future would continue following the affects of the war and only having their Grandma'am to look up to. Food was limited split between the three, the females knowing most would go to Coriolanus due to him being the future man of the household, needing to survive and build their strong bodies to fit their strong name. 

Snow lands on top.

Perfect Fit - Coriolanus SnowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora