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Theodore Mill

"What is that?" I found myself whispering still clinging to Winston.

The book was open and the image of me was reflected back, but the only difference was that this person had freakishly white hair. His bright grey eyes were alit with joy and excitement as he seemed to bounce around and talk almost animatedly back at us. Only, he wasn't really talking to us he was just...talking.

"It looks like you." Winston confirmed and slowly I slid off his body. I was still feeling the buzz of excitement from what I did earlier.

Having threatened the council and showing them that I too could be someone they could fear has surprised me, I don't know where that power came from all of a sudden but it felt like I had the power of ten men, the magic of more than just my own. It was exhilarating and freeing and I didn't want to think about how much I enjoyed it.

I took Winston's hand, standing in front of him as the image of myself kept talking.

"By now you've met him right? So, can he throw me? Us? Wow, this is hard, talking about myself to...well, myself." It laughed and I swallowed.

"What do we do?" I asked Winston who brought his hand to my shoulder, kneading slowly, the movement brought a sense of calm to me but the urgency and confusion was brewing inside of me.

I stepped closer. "Start it from the beginning?" Winston said skeptically as I knelt before the book, tilting my head and he followed suit.

I hesitated before I flipped the book closed. The voice silenced immediately, without a hitch and the fur seemed to bristle. Swallowing, I glanced at Winston who watched me, inching closer to wrap his arm around me, comfort me as best as he could and then I flipped it open again.

"Oh, wow, okay, where do I even begin really? Theodore, this is not a drill." The image laughed, covering his mouth and I furrowed my brows. "Sorry, I'm just- well, I'm trying to think at what point you find this book, I wasn't part of the plan see. We're supposed to forget which personally is just nonsense. I don't need to forget to know I'm going to fall inlove with that man." He snorted. "Anyway, I hope I hid this well, Elijah might very well kill me but, he'll get over it, we're best friends after all, I'm sure we found a way to become best friends yet again."

I looked at Winston and frowned while my heart gave a startling jump.

"I'm not sure if this will work, but, maybe it'll jog things along? I hope? I don't know, his magic tends to actually stick," he sighed and then shook his head. "Theodore, you're an old man, but like, you're hot, at least." I couldn't help the amusement that bubbled in me. "Say, a good 8 thousand years, yeah, and you've been best friends with Elijah since you can remember. You may feel confused seeing this, wonder what's going on, thinking 'why does that look like me? Who is that? We share a name, is that a coincidence?' let me tell you now, you are me...I am you."

It was like being slapped in the face and being thrown with ice cold water. Suddenly nothing made sense to me and I felt like I was about to choke on air.

"What?" I muttered to myself as the image of me continued on. The longer I let it play, the more my mind felt like it had been twisted inside out.

What was real? Who was I supposed to believe? As this illusion went on about the years of friendship, about the conclusion that brought me here today, 'forget yourselves and find the love you had been denied all those years.' I found something else bubbling beneath the surface.

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