147 10 5

Winston Mill

"So, you don't talk much, do you." I paused pouring my sugar into my cup, blinked and turned slowly to see non other than Orlando smiling shyly at me. "I mean, I can't blame you... I've, what? Only said 7 words since I joined." He chuckled lightly and looked at me with wide eyes and I wasn't entirely sure what to say.

"I'm sure it was more." I finally let out and he blinked before a breathe left him and he chuckled, bringing his hand to his mouth and nodding.

"So you do speak." I tilted my head and tried to remember how many sugars I'd poured before he interupted. I decided to just add water and see if it needs more to be safe.

"So, my mom made me join, what's your excuse?" I blinked feeling like somehow I had missed some part of the conversation, although, lately, it always felt that way, like I was missing everything and was just barely keeping up with everyone around me and thus, speaking a lot less made more sense than trying to get them to fill me in by asking.

"You don't have to tell me, no pressure." He receeded before I'd even decided what I would say. Yes, then there was that, I was taking a lot longer to finish my thoughts, long enough that either people left me alone, or just continued with the belief I just wasn't sure if I had enough words to answer, as if I can't just tell them I can't say anything on whatever matter. "Just, seemed like you might want to share but on one, you know?" He heaved a breathe and nodded as I began to stir. "I'm like that, I'm actually good at one on one, but groups...yikes, am I right?" He slapped my arm and I stared at him.

"Orlando." He seemed to lean towards me a bit. "You talk a lot." I decided and gave a small smile to which he took a moment before a large smile blossomed on his face and shook his head with a chuckle.

"Shoot, you're right, I do. I'm sorry," he chuckled and scratched his cheek. "Is that a pet peeve for you? Cause it can end, like right now." His eyes were wide as though to say I could trust him on it. He'd been coming to group for just a little over two months already and this was the first time we've ever spoken.

"You're fine." I confirmed and he seemed to punch the air a little.

"Phew, good, I wasn't sure if I bit more than I could chew there for a moment." He lightly and playfully dusted his forehead and I chuckled shaking my head.

He was about to say something else when pastor Rhymes called us in to begin. Orlando gave me a look, one I wasn't sure where to place but it gave me enough of a sinking feeling to know that I should probably stay away from him.

The session ended well, Orlando had finally then shared how he had lost his wife only almost a year ago, he expressed how he had wished he saw it coming and that's why it hurts the most, because it's unexpected, suddenly and in the middle of life. The group was made of every kind of person, mother's, father's, siblings, spouses, all with one thing in common, losing a loved one all too suddenly, a cause that many in the group felt could have been prevented.

When it came to an end and I had my phone out, seeing the text from my brother asking me where I was, again I lied and said the gym. Nobody knew about group, and they never would as long as I have anything to do with it. There was probably one person who knew, only because he could know what he wanted when he wanted regardless.

There was a hand on my shoulder and I tensed as the person rounded, Orlando smiled, his dimples in full view and he ran a hand through his shaggy hair.

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