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Theodore Hault

"What did you do?" I stare down at Winston's calm face, so beautiful and handsome. His hold on me was firm but breakable, he cushioned me in his collapse while I cradled his head and slowed it to a gentle descent.

"What I said I'd do." Elijah hummed as he began lightly tapping the bolts of Winston's chains. I stared down at this man who had become my world in a short time.

I'd barely seen him today, this morning he had practically run from me after ten minutes of silent growling. I was so sure I'd done something wrong, that I'd offended him, perhaps he had grown tired of me. I had come here looking for him after overhearing Arson tell Carrin about Winston being chained. I'd wanted to ask what I'd done, if he was mad at me.

However, the way he'd spoken to me, pulled me into his embrace, it was comforting, warm and so full of emotions I wasn't ready to admit. Even now as he slept, I wanted nothing more than to be near him, sleep beside him and be here when he awoke.

"What exactly did you say you'd do?" I asked straining my neck to look up at Elijah who tilted his head.

"Keep him from hurting you."

"Hurt me?" I frowned looking down at my warrior wolf who seemed even more gentle in his slumber. This was a man who took a bullet so I wouldn't have to, who beat Jeffery's ass when I was too weak to. This patient man, hurt me? A few weeks ago I'd believe it possible, I'd anticipate it, but not right now, not anymore.

"I know it seems hard to believe, but this is what he wanted." His tone was gentle and I still found myself irritated because this wasn't at all what I wanted.

I managed to stand up, folding my arms over my chest as I glared at all of them. "And what exactly did he want, because this hardly seems okay."

"Trust us, it's for the best." Arson said seeming done with a conversation that hadn't started.

"He's not some animal, he's a person and he wouldn't hurt me if he wanted to." Where did those words even come from? How did I utter them so confidently when really I had no real evidence other than how he's treated me since I got here which was nothing but kind. "If you don't unchain him, I will."

"No." I turned to the chains, ready to figure out how to undo them when something stopped me, it felt like I was pushing at a wall of nothing and I turned to glare at Elijah who sighed. "Are you ready to be mounted? Because that's going to happen if you unchain him." I inhaled sharply, my heart skipped a beat and I felt the warmth spread to my cheeks. "A bond works both ways, Theodore. Are you truly ready? Or is the pull to him affecting your brain? If we were to isolate you for a day, a mere day, do you think you'd be ready for the possibility of being fucked all the way through Tuesday."

"Wow." Arson said sounding impressed and Donovan growled lowly while I swallowed.

"I didn't think so." Elijah breathed deeply. "If I thought you were, I'd let you, but I don't want either of you waking up tomorrow and feeling like you messed up when you didn't."

"Everything he's said, it's not just the bond, it's not just the full moon, those are all the thoughts he has unfiltered. The thing about our instincts taking hold for a day, is that it makes everything we already want and need that much stronger and all reason not to get them goes out the window." Donovan explained, his voice gruff and thick as he pulled Elijah into him. "There's a reason he doesn't speak to you like that on any given day, Theodore. Do you really want to risk him feeling like an asshole when he wakes up and realises he took from you what you weren't ready to give?"

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