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Winston Mill

The commotion when we arrived was subtle and controlled. One moment I was in the elevator, so very close to probably, most definitely giving Theodore a blow job for admitting he loves me, then as Donovan tells me what's going on, we're out of the elevator. Theodore still firmly pressed into me, his legs wrapped around me and I'm staring at Elijah and Arson leading the young and those who can't fight into the bunkers.

"Warriors assemble at the pack line!" Donovan ordered taking off his shirt. "Those with weapons follow behind."

"Carl's got what we assume to be the whole of the Creek Mountain pack approaching the west boarder." Arson says once Theodore slides down my body.

"How many?"

"A good 280. Give or take." My mind goes into strategy mode, all the battle plans we've ever made for all kinds of emergencies pass through my mind as Theodore tugged at my sleeve.

"This doesn't make sense," he mumbled and I looked down to catch him looking at me, "Collymor, she knows Jeffery, like knows him." I furrowed my brows and tilted my head just as Donovan grabbed Theodore's elbow, pulling him to look him in the eye.

"What exactly do you mean?"

"I- I just, I remember her." Theodore whimpered while I growled, taking Donovan's wrist and squeezing in warning. My alpha let go but his eyes never left Theodore. "They'd talk... A lot, they're-they're family."

Suddenly it started clicking. "We'd hoped he died in the wild, left to be human and all." I mentioned then, pulling Theodore behind me. "He didn't, he ran but we don't know where too, his pack is looking for him so they don't know."

"Carl-" Theodore gasped suddenly- "I don't think he's looking for Jeffery. H-he's looking for Isabella, he has to be. He's using Jeffery as a means to get the rest of them behind him."

"If they knew," I growled then because it made more sense that since Jeffery was with the council, safe and sound, there was no way Carl didn't already know this, "if they knew he was alive and with the council Carl would be alone in his hunt."

"How can we be sure it's Isabella he wants? You said yourself he asked you where he was."

We all looked at Theodore who frowned and looked at me then, his grip almost desperate. "There was something about his eyes," he seemed far away, like he had called that moment forward. "That wasn't how he'd come for Jeffery, they were best friends, lovers, yes, but that desperation it-" he shook his head- "that's not how you look for a man you fell in love with, that's how you look for the person you're bounded to, the person who makes you feel irrational at times, even when you don't want to."

Theodore then looked back at Donovan. "I'm sure, Jeffery is safe and sound with the council, they don't want Carl alive for themselves, they want him for Jeffery."

"I guess we'll just have to take your word for it." Then Theodore was nodding and moving towards the wolves who were ready to take off and I caught his elbow.

"Where are you going?"

"To help."

"No your not." I growled then, my mind already going to the time with Jeffery, I understood why he froze, I could understand his fear then, what I wouldn't take was him making such a move before he was ready, before he could stand on his own. I didn't need to lose him, not now when we'd just said we loved one another.

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