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Theodore Mill

"What exactly were you suggesting we do? The council wants him. Alive." Arson leaned onto the desk, his face a picture of frustration.

"He has done more than enough to warrant death." I hissed holding onto Winston for support.

"Nobody is denying that, but we can't go against the council," Arson said matter-of-fact and finally turned to us, leaning his hips onto the desk.

"And why not? We can take them."

"Listen, "Arson began putting his hands together. "You took the man's eyes, he'll never see again, how isn't that punishment enough?"

"Knowing him, he'll learn to live with it." Elijah scoffed in response, shaking his head as though perhaps he was taking my side.

"Can you two be reasonable?" Arson begged lowly. "Theodore, you nearly passed out just taking the man's eyes out," I felt my skin warm and glared at him. "What'll you do against an army the council has, which by the way is over 3000 people."

Elijah scowled and mumbled something so lowly only Donovan heard him and snickered before clearing his throat and pinching his mate in warning.

"And as much as Elijah is with you, he won't do anything to make it fair." I frowned and looked at Elijah who seemed to purse his lips and deliberately look away.

"The council will give Carl to Jeffery, then they will plot together, I just know it. Carl won't ever leave me alone because of Isabella and I'd rather we kill him now than wait a few more years, wait until he learns how to function without his sight."

"Donovan, why aren't you helping me?"

"We're giving him to the council." Elijah said instead right as Donovan had cleared his throat to respond to Arson and the silence stretched.

"I thought you agreed with me!"

"I do, doesn't mean we can do anything about it anyway." He locked eyes with me and a meaningful look passed over us, I furrowed my brows and stepped closer to him trying to make sense of his stare. "Someone needs him alive and we can't deny them."

I blinked then understanding him completely. Fate.

"Wow." I let out a breathe them and turned walking off, leaving the room since there was nothing more I could say. I walked fast down the stairs and ran into the forest, opening the dungeon and being met by four guards who didn't blink an eye once they smelled me.

"You-" I froze my words suddenly gone at the sight of the man, Carl turned his head to the side, his eyes stained in his blood and the sockets were nothing more than dark holes- "should have never been born." I spat out.

"Once I'm out, rest assured I will be back, again and again until Isabella is mine."

"For a man who claims to feel nothing in regards to the bound, you sure to bring her up a lot" I scoffed and stepped closer. "How pathetic." Carl growled and tried to come at me but the chains only went taunt as he growled close enough to my face that I could smell his breathe.

"You're lucky I'm in chains, slut." He breathed and sniffed heavily before moving his face so our noses were mere inches. "Your pretty little neck would be nothing but twigs by now."

#2. The Beta's Little Caster(MxM)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora