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Theodore Hault

The silence stretched between us and I felt warmth blossoming within me.

Last night I had been sure I was about to die. There was no avoiding death under the care of wolves, wolves who were about to experience a full moon.

I laid there under my covers praying to dead god's, hoping against all odds I'd make it out of this night alive. I was momentarily haunted by the screams of those unfortunate enough to have been out while the moon was out back in Jeffery's pack. The countless Omega's who didn't even get a funeral, deemed to have been disposal and careless since they should have known better than to be outside on a full moon, even if their instincts drove them to go out and search for their mates.

"Where do you hide?" I asked Elijah, he had begun to answer me less and less when I pressed about learning magic, he seemed sure that I should be able to learn on my own or through his vague statements about thinking of what I wanted and then making it happen, as though that was all it took.

"Excuse me?" He finally looked up at me, his child happily scribbling on a notebook in his lap.

"It's the full moon tomorrow night..." I furrowed my brows, looking at him like he should know this already.

"Oh...right, so it is." He looked back at his son, showing him what he could draw and the child copied.

"Surely you're going to tell me where best to hide." Elijah chuckled lightly.

"Why would we hide?" He looked at me again, brows furrowed and head tilted and I paused. This man really didn't understand, did he? Wolves couldn't be trusted. Could they?

The longer I looked at him, the peace, the lack of worry as he kissed his son and smiled and continued to draw with him. I looked around myself then, countless other parents held their kids, also, like him, drawing with them, high-fiving them on a job well done. I looked at the Omega's who laughed and seemed happy. One in particular stood out.

Carmen was calmly laying on his larger than life wolf mate. The two were undeniably cute together. Carmen was my friend, we both saw how wolves could get with us, we'd both seen the worst of them and yet...he looked happy, content while I... I wasn't.

I blinked out of my own thoughts. Elijah hadn't known anything about needing to hide on a full moon, no, he found it funny that I'd even suggest such a thing. Carmen hadn't asked either, he looked content, happy and peaceful with his new mate and here I was, confused at the sight of a man who broke the door to get to me, but instead of killing me, he slept?

There was something interesting about Winston coming into my space, growling and frightening in his human state. Shouldn't he have shifted by then? Why hadn't he?

He looked peaceful in his slumber, his head on my bed and his body kneeling. It didn't look comfortable but still, his face caked in sweat, was more peaceful than any man I'd ever seen. Especially on a night like this one.

It was stupid of me to make sure that he was comfortable. What had I thought when I gave him a pillow and a blanket when the man was a wolf? He could sleep anywhere comfortably, besides, he came to me. Shouldn't he have gone home or something if he wanted to sleep in a proper bed?

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