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"Master, what are you doing?!"

"What does it seem like I'm doing?!"

Miyabi stares at me incredulously as I dash back into the woods, his voice pleading for me to stay within their so-called "sanctuary."

I have no intention of remaining stationary. There is no safety in standing still when they are all out there, embroiled in the struggle between life and death, standing amidst the engulfing fire and smoke.

Death does not discriminate. And I have no right to live when they are not.


I hear him stagger behind me, grappling to keep pace with my quickening stride. I aim to escape this confining space as swiftly as possible, preferably before sunset. The darker it becomes, the more challenging it will be for me to navigate the woods.

Demons thrive in the dark, and so do the lingering spirits of the departed. However, battling in the dead of night without light would only put me and the other elves at a disadvantage. We aren't nocturnal. We aren't spirits or demons either. The absence of daylight obscures our surroundings, making every step feel like venturing into the unknown, where unseen threats could lie in wait.

"Master!" he calls again.

But I pay no heed. I've grown tired of listening. They think that they can order me around, keeping me restricted in a space as if I were a helpless child, incapable of fending for myself.

I am an adult. For once, they could consider treating me like one instead of persistently treating me like a child. I vowed to protect them. Yet, I find myself unable to fulfill that promise all due to their excessive overprotectiveness.

As I near the exit, I leap down from the tree and sprint towards it, oblivious to the shadow trailing closely behind me. A yelp escapes my lips as a forceful tug on my arm sends me sprawling face-first onto the dirt.

Grunting, I pivot with a frown. "Wouldn't hurt to be a bit gentler with that pull, don't you think?"

Miyabi stares down at me, his golden eyes scrunching with evident frustration. He sighs, placing a hand over the bridge of his nose as if seeking a solution to all his worldly problems through pinching.

I meet his unyielding glower with a groan, standing up promptly. Patting my attire, I assess the damage, noticing the stains and scratches marring the once-pristine cloth.

"I'll get someone to mend it for you," Miyabi says, maintaining a firm grip on my arm. "But you are not permitted to leave this place, Master."

I scrutinize him, noting the determination in his eyes. To see him take the form of a human to catch up to me—Inari must've taught him that technique.

"I can hear you, Master."

I click my tongue, frustration boiling within me, the audacity of being monitored in every form.

Miyabi pulls me closer, his touch thorough as he pats me down, meticulously observing even the smallest reactions, ensuring I'm not hurt. It's ironic, considering he was the cause behind my fall. Shame on me for not calculating the possibility of that technique. Shame on him for thinking he could keep me here any longer.

"They are strong, Master," Miyabi's words interrupt my rejection of his concerns as I strive to free myself from his grasp. He observes my scowl—a rare expression for me.

Indeed, I've maintained an air of cheerfulness and laughter until the realization of their plans. It's normal for him to flinch under my determined glare, yet he doesn't cower away from me. Instead, he stands his ground and releases his grip on me.

[HIATUS] BLACK CLOVER: The Whisperer - Yuno GrinberryallWhere stories live. Discover now