INTERLUDE CHAPTER. In This Cold, Cold Place

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My grimoire shuts close as I bring it against my waist.

I look ahead.

A snowy-white fox stares at me with a tilted head. It yips, swaying its tail. Then, it gets on all fours and walks towards me, sitting down with its back turned. It shows bright crimson markings, its fur glistening beneath the sun's rays.

It glances back and calls for me. This time, with something I assume is a smile.

I return its greeting with a curl up my lips, acknowledging the fox's attempt to understand my expression. Despite its current lack of understanding of human emotions, I believe that with time and patience, it will develop its ability to think and act independently. No longer will it be a mere puppet, created solely for protection.

It is not a tool, for I created it—no, him—to not only protect but to accompany.

I turn my attention to Inari, who lies peacefully on a large boulder by the river. His body rises and falls with each breath, snoring softly in the warmth of the sun. Crouching down, I gently tickle the side of the white fox's head, prompting him to nuzzle closer into my palm. I point towards Inari and whisper giddily, "Do you want to meet your new friend?"

His ear twitches and he emits a small sound that I assume is a form of puzzlement.

"Come on."

As we stroll through the forest, I take my time to observe this newfound section of the woods that Inari stumbled upon during his little stroll—something he likes to do often.

The blushing trees and raining leaves create a captivating scene, making this part of the woods stand out distinctly from the rest. Cherry blossoms spread abundantly among the oaks, a surprising and beautiful sight. The contrast is striking as if nature itself decided to paint a unique canvas in this secluded corner.

It's a fleeting beauty.

There is something so otherworldly about it, hidden away from this cruel, cruel world.

The delicate cherry blossoms, while enchanting, remind me of the impermanence of such moments. They remind me of the ones the spirits have back at home.

The white fox beside me yips and sniffs at every little thing he finds. Everything is new to him—as he is a new being born from a human's spell.

He jumps at the petals raining on his head, sneezing when one sticks to his nose. Shaking his body, he gets rid of all the blossoms grabs onto his coat, and weaves his way through more that falls.

He wanders around, circling every tree around us as we make our way to the stream ahead. He yips and looks at me as if expecting me to join him in exploring this enchanting place. His curiosity and eagerness mirror my sense of wonder.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I breathe out, craning my head back to enjoy the rain of cherry blossom petals. My hand reaches out to gently catch a few petals, then lets them go with the breeze.

The white fox cries in agreement, or at least that's what I interpret from his cheerful sounds. It feels good to share this moment with a companion, even if he's a creation of my magic. The beauty of nature surrounds us, creating a connection that transcends the boundary between humans and unseen creatures.

As we approach the river, I lean down to catch a glimpse of my reflection. It's astonishing how the stream appears bluer than the sky and clearer than crystal. Crouching down, I dip my hand into the water, feeling the cool liquid flow around my fingers before rejoining beyond the dividing surface.

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