CHAPTER VII. Fragments of the Past Pt. 2

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There was that one day in December, they recalled. About less than a decade ago, when winter snowed upon them—it was one of the few days that changed their lives wholly.

Little Xierra breathed out puffs of white, acknowledging how getting sick easily was one of her weak points, prompting her to work faster. She saw how the once verdant and lushes trees had shed their leaves in the golden season when winter came into their homes without knocking.

The sky looked very much gray and gloomy, unlike any other bright days they had before. Just breathing was enough to cloud their vision in white, cold, and frigid to the bones.

It didn't help when all Asta did was scream all day.

Xierra didn't even spare him a glance whilst she continued to help the nun hang up some laundry. All she wanted was just to get the work done quickly so she could warm herself up and continue where she last left off with the book she borrowed from the mayor's little library. Snow hadn't even fallen, and yet, the air was colder than any other winter they had experienced.

"Why?!" Asta yelled again for the umpteenth time that evening. He knelt and hit the ground with his head down, drenching the ground with his river of tears. "Why is it that I still can't use magic?!"

He then looked up at the nun and Xierra, offering his help to hang the laundry after a sudden change of emotions. As to the reason why, they knew not off. And they didn't bother to ask.

"Thanks, Asta," Sister Lily thanked the boy. She gave him a heartfelt smile that could melt anyone, helping Xierra who stood beside her and got on her tippy toes to hang the laundry.

"So, that's why, please, marry m—"


The blunt rejection stabbed Asta, and the reason was obvious.





Tears were streaming down his eyes at this point, and Xierra found the scene to be quite amusing. It was a wonder how he wasn't giving up even after thousands of rejections.


"No, Asta."

"Marry me, please..." His head was hanging down in utter defeat, making the girl laugh at the poor boy. Something in her was amused at his crying state. Another side of her could only hope that he would just understand Sister Lily wasn't someone he could just declare his and marry.

Shaking her head, Xierra got back to the laundry, hanging the few last ones before finishing with a proud look. Looking back, she saw the other children walk out of the church, letting the warm light inside seep out into the gloomy nature.

"Don't you start crying, too, Yuno." Following behind, a young Rekka looked at Yuno who was holding a crying baby Nash. Xierra could see that his amber eyes were beginning to tear up.

"Nash... won't stop crying..." Yuno reasoned.

Asta stood up and wiped his tears, suddenly snapping his head around towards Yuno and the kids. "Yuno, leave this to me!" Asta pointed at himself with his thumb, grinning confidently upon the fact that he planned to cease Nash's wails.


Oh, dear. This is going to be chaotic.

"I'm gonna become the wizard king, after all! Making a baby or two stop crying is a piece of cake!"

[HIATUS] BLACK CLOVER: The Whisperer - Yuno GrinberryallWhere stories live. Discover now