CHAPTER XIII. The Entrance Exam Pt. 2

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William took a step back to match with the other captains who had just entered the scene. In a total of nine captains, they all looked unique, in their own way, Xierra had to say. She had met some interesting characters in the past, but she never thought that there would be more.

With other participants introducing the nine captains, she didn't need to ask for a guidebook (if there was one) and listened to their conversations. It was bothering her how this kind of knowledge didn't reach them in their rural village. They could've at least made a book covering the topic of magic knights and the nine squads, but there wasn't any when she visited the mayor's house to borrow more. Lest to say, she read almost every book in his house.

Xierra was about to take a look at the nine captains when Inari tapped her shoulder to gain her attention. What's the matter, Inari? she asked.

Shouldn't you join the Black Bulls, Master? he suggested once more, attempting to sway her decision. That "Yami" guy's magic is very much compatible with yours. And that creepy one too, I suppose.

"Creepy one"? Do you mean Gordon Agrippa? Xierra returned, humming before crossing her arms. I don't mind joining the Black Bulls if we pass, but—she halted and closed her eyes, thinking carefully.


Their captain's scary... Xierra reasoned gloomily, slouching her shoulders forward and heaving a sigh. I don't think I'll survive for more than a second there. And besides, why do you want to join that squad? There's eight more to choose from, you know.

Because they said that the Black Bulls are full of oddballs! We'll fit perfectly in it!

You sound awfully... cheerful, I suppose? Xierra awkwardly chuckled, not knowing what to say next. She gave the invisible fox on her shoulder a crooked smile.

Of course, I am, Master! I can finally meet my kind—

Inari, you're a fox spirit.

Right, that. My "weird" kind, he rephrased.

Xierra sighed, wondering what possessed the fox for him to get so attached to the Black Bulls. Fine, however, Xierra paused, placing Inari in suspense, we're going to choose another squad if either Asta or Yuno is in that squad, got that?

All right. Sounds fine to me. Inari's snickers contagiously caused Xierra to smile as well. In defeat, she patted the invisible fox on her shoulders, careful as she did so. Oh, but shouldn't you be with the shorter brat? As much as I hate him, you need to keep an eye on him before he stirs any unwanted trouble.

Xierra hummed. That's undeniable. She tilted her head and rested it on the pillar beside her, where she and Yuno stood by. Well, we'll decide that later. If he passes, I'm sure that whichever squad he ends up in will be reliable enough to watch over him.

Smiling, she looked back at the stadium's second level, where all nine captains stood proudly. The first one that caught her eye was a man with quite an intricate appearance.

Captain of the Silver Eagle—Nozel Silva

"The captain of the Silver Eagle, Nozel Silva!"

A man with silver hair and violet eyes sat elegantly with a cold aura surrounding him. Staring at him longer might cause Xierra to shudder. Something told her that he was not someone she would warm up to shortly. Although his stoic face reminded her of Yuno a lot.

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