CHAPTER IX. A Dream of the Past

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Crimson cackles of flames and the sound of clashing swords echoed throughout the darkened sky.

Houses were aflame, burning behind the bright color of red. Roads were destroyed and buildings no longer retained their original shapes, reduced to crumbles. Civilians panicked as they ran away, fleeing with their lives on the line. Their screams of terror, fear, and dread.

And above them, a large, circular eye watched them unblinkingly. Even as flocks of crows nearby flew away, it paid them no mind and focused on the humans, listening in to their cries for help.

The red scales covering its outer flesh flickered on a thin line between hot and cold, blazing and slake—all at the same time. Smoke and steam rose from its mouth when it positioned its four hands, all rising into action from its back. One flung forward, sending a blast of flames from its palm, disintegrating everything in its way.

Just one hit—one hit was enough to destroy half of Clover.

From its eye, a bright light formed. It circled, lumping from one particle to another. So bright that it lit up even the gloomy dark sky.

Without warning, it unleashed the beam onto the town, turning to every corner, making sure that none lived.

Chains of explosion erupted, burning down the castle and towering buildings. They crumbled into bits and pieces. Some became nothing but ashes while others were blown away by the raging gales. No home was saved, and little survived.

Amid all the chaos, a single mage stood on one of the standing towers with his grimoire ready before his reached-out hand.

Lumiere Silvamillion Clover; the first wizard king to ever exist.

He glanced down, noticing the figure below. They rode daringly on a foxlike creature, wielding a sword in one hand and holding onto their grimoire in the other.

Lumiere knew who they were—who she was.

He frowned before sighing. "What matters right now is what's standing in front of me," he spoke to himself, letting the four-leaf clover grimoire in front of him leaf through its page and stopping at one. He stood valiantly against the three-eyed demon, staring into its eyes with deep sorrow.

The demon slammed its hand onto the building he was standing on, only to find him disappearing into bits of light. At inhuman speed, he charged at the demon with his grimoire ready. A large thundering hurricane formed around the demon, trapping it.

Even when explosions erupted behind him, Lumiere focused his gaze on the demon that was once someone he treasured. Regret wouldn't do much now. He flew behind the demon while beams of light attacked it from all directions. They did no damage to the demon. But when it turned around, Lumiere was above it.

Swords that rivaled its stature came crashing down, surrounding it as they landed.

Lumiere lifted his hand and closed his palm, clenching it tightly. The swords followed his commands, gathering slowly above them.

The light blinded all and the demon was caught in a flaming storm. The thundering lightning in the scarlet clouds grumbled and flickered. The light on his hand became brighter and brighter every second. Reducing itself into a small ball of light, fitting into the size of his palm, Lumiere captured it and wielded the blade that shaped itself from the sky and lightning.

The blade thundered and roared with the heavens, directing its tip at the demon's head.

He swung his hand down, staring at the demon with an unsaid apology—something he could never utter out loud until thousands of years later when they would finally meet in a moment of peace.

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