CHAPTER I. Farewell

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"I sincerely hope that you survive, Master."

The night was filled with the murmurs of swaying trees and the mournful howl of the wind. A figure, concealed by a mask, charged ahead, heedless of the thorns and shrubs that clawed at his form. Blood stained his clothes, yet he pressed on, clutching a basket close to his chest with unwavering determination.

Behind him, claws scraped the ground, leaving a trail of menace. Hungry eyes glinted in the shadows, and a feral growl escaped the demon's lips. The wind carried an eerie chill, and the cold of the night failed to soothe the slumbering fears within him. The depth of darkness lingered, faintly illuminated by the elusive moon and stars concealed behind thick clouds.

The masked man cradled the infant wrapped in a blanket, sheltered by the woven rattan walls that muffled the child's soft cries, ensuring their pursuer remained unaware.

Above, the stars peered through the gaps in the leaves, their distant gaze showing no mercy for their plight but reflecting the cruel hand of fate upon them.

The wind, the moon, and the stars joined in a symphony of eerie howls, casting a hollow trail of ghostly light that danced across their skin as they navigated through the towering trees and soared above the Earth. All the while, they served as silent witnesses to the chase.

The demon, relentless in its pursuit, effortlessly closed the distance. Its monstrous claws sliced through trees and shattered stones and cliffs with a terrifying force, filling the air with a cacophony of destruction.

He ran breathlessly, stopping not even when traces of red dragged behind.

The dark tone of scarlet crept around him like chains binding his ankles, trickling down the sides of his face, and staining his attire in a hue that seemed to provoke the hunger of the surrounding woods.

The infant stirred awake in her sleep, mumbling incoherent words, only for her voice to be muffled by the soft duvet.

Quiet. It's too quiet.

The man paid no heed to the child's curious gaze and directed his attention back to the demon. Puzzled by the sudden silence that had fallen over the demon, he pondered why and how it had quieted down when he wasn't looking. Even the winds, which had cried through the night, seemed to have lulled the creatures of the forest into a deep slumber.

They sought refuge behind unruly bushes, cautious not to disturb any branches. Thorny limbs clawed at his flesh, leaving scratches and tearing through the cloth shielding him from the cold. He had to escape—or, at the very least, find a secure place for her. Perhaps then, he could confront the demon directly. If he could only somehow divert their relentless pursuer, then he might avoid having to—

—it's near.

Its breath grazed his skin, penetrating to the bone.

He sensed its eyes drilling into the back of his head, its bloodlust seeping through.

He held his breath, placing a hand over the infant's mouth in an attempt to hush her. Luck rarely favored them. If it did, the man would surely question the world.

The ominous presence behind them circled the area, leaving traces on the ground. They were dangerously close to a human settlement. The masked man wondered if anyone would be awake at this hour—most probably not.

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