CHAPTER XXXII. Dungeons and Reunions Pt. 2

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The resonating voice drew nearer, its bellowing voice growing louder and more distinct as it reverberated through the dungeon. Xierra and Yuno swiftly moved in tandem, dashing side by side toward the adjoining room. Following closely behind were Mimosa and Klaus, with Inari bringing up the rear.

As they emerged from the dimly lit passageways into the next room, they encountered a scene of disabled traps and an unexpected activation. Right before their eyes, a high-level plant-creation magic trap unfolded. Wild, sinuous vines ensnared Noelle, entwining around her form, while Asta found himself suspended upside-down, caught in the intricate web of the magical vegetation.

The dungeon echoed with successive shrieks, each one signaling the imminent danger that the voracious plant posed to the members of the Black Bull.

Sinewy vines snaked around their limbs, constricting tightly, while the plant's massive flower marked their torsos and waists as its apparent maw. The gaping mouth in the center of the oversized blossom seemed to be the ominous gateway to their impending consumption.

Observing the scene, it became apparent that this botanical menace possessed a sentience of its own. It had strategically grown beside the room's brick walls, suggesting a deliberate and calculated placement within the dungeon's confines.

Without a moment's hesitation, Yuno swiftly unclasped his grimoire, directing his focus toward Asta's entangled figure. As he prepared to unleash his magic, his gaze briefly met Xierra's determined sprint towards Noelle. A subtle, secretive smile played on Yuno's lips as he adjusted his plan on the fly.

Refocusing his attention, Yuno altered the trajectory of his outstretched hand, redirecting the impending spell away from Asta. With unwavering determination, he called upon the forces of his Wind Creation Magic, uttering the incantation:

"Wind Creation Magic: Wind Blade Shower."

In the blink of an eye, the ambient air coalesced into formidable, giant blades, materializing with a precision that showcased Yuno's mastery over his Wind Creation Magic. A symphony of dozens of these ethereal blades danced in the air. Each blade bore no handle or hilt, embodying a pure manifestation of compressed solid wind.

Yuno's amber eyes remained fixed on the looming plant, a determined glint reflecting his unwavering focus. With a subtle command from the wind mage, the multitude of ethereal sabers descended upon the giant plant. The sheer number of these invisible blades far surpassed what the naked eye could discern, creating a formidable and overwhelming assault.

Frozen in awe, the onlookers scarcely dared to blink, their wide eyes capturing the spectacle unfolding before them. The wind blades sliced through the wild roots with surgical precision.

Gasps escaped their lips as one of the blades impaled the very heart of the monstrous blossom, causing a tremor in the room. The plant, once a threat, now quivered under the onslaught of the ethereal blades, its petals falling.

During the unfolding chaos, Noelle remained netted by the resilient vines, her struggles proving futile against their tenacious grip. Only half of the flower had succumbed to Yuno's wind blades, leaving a portion still intact, seemingly untouched by the magical onslaught.

Whether it was a twist of fate or Yuno's calculated maneuver to witness Xierra's magical prowess, she deadpanned at his stoic expression. With a resigned sigh, Xierra came to a halt, her nimble fingers flicking open her grimoire. A determined shout escaped her lips as she invoked one of her favored spells of late, the air around her charged with energy.

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