CHAPTER XX. The Lives We Have to Protect

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Among the blue sky and the green blades of the earth, the chirps of bluebirds filled the air. The sound of children's yells and the chatters of villagers weaved between nature's whistles, intertwining together and forming an everyday song they were used to hearing.

Beneath the swaying trees, Sister Lily and several children carried baskets full of apples and loaves of bread. They trailed behind the nun. Some ran ahead, while a few remained behind.

A certain blonde purposely walked slower behind them. Observing the view around her was something she enjoyed doing, even if she saw it every day.

The lush trees she was so fond of and the small patches of colorful wildflowers she walked past every day were something worth taking note of. There have been more butterflies lately. She wondered if spring was near.

They were her comfort, her type of enjoyment.

The puffs of white clouds and the bright sky indicated another sunny and cheerful day for all in the village. Xierra smiled, hoping that no rain would drop by today. Such a bright day was perfect for laundry.

Xierra subconsciously put on a bright grin at the mesmerizing sight, running after Sister Lily and the rest of the children. She paced her steps beside the nun, humming merrily and swaying from time to time. Her home village was always something she loved—the village she was raised and grew up in.

They weren't rich, but they were happy.

Sister Lily glanced at the girl beside her, smiling softly. Xierra had an unexpectedly bright smile today. She turned her attention back to the road ahead, keeping an eye on the children.

Ever since that day, the three of them changed, huh? Sister Lily chuckled.

Xierra glanced at the nun beside her, wondering what got her smiling so fondly.

She then saw two men by the side of the roads, resting their axes beside them. They sat on tree stumps, circled by the yellowing grasses. "Living in the upper realm must be nice," one spoke, the other agreeing almost instantly.

He sighed. "I'm sure they're living a life of luxury over there."

"Yeah, with all the fancy clothes and all the food they could eat. They have it good."

Xierra bit the insides of her cheeks, trying to understand what they were talking about. Figuring that she wouldn't be able to feel the frustration they let out, she heaved a breath and looked forward, eyeing the children. Asta and Yuno walked side by side, striding behind the two younger kids by the front. Rekka shouted at Nash who ran ahead, presumably wanting to be alone.

It seemed to Xierra that it was only yesterday that Nash was just an infant, crying in Asta's arms. He wouldn't calm down no matter how many times Asta cradled him.

Rekka was also taller than before, possibly the miraculous work of Father Orsi's stone-like bread. It was a wonder how they were able to survive years on half of his cooking (and Sister Lily, from time to time) alone.

"If you're so jealous, you should just go there." Asta walked backward, glancing at the pair of men before looking back at Sister Lily.

She chuckled at the boy's words, propping her slipping basket up before speaking, "I'm afraid that it isn't that easy, Asta."

"Why not?" Xierra tilted her head to the side.

Asta nodded, curious.

"Only those who possess strong magical powers can live in the realms above us. There's prejudice against those who lack magical powers," Sister Lily explained patiently, softening her gaze with a tinge of melancholy hiding behind her hues. "Even though we're all humans..."

[HIATUS] BLACK CLOVER: The Whisperer - Yuno GrinberryallWhere stories live. Discover now