CHAPTER III. Thoughts of the Future

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Observing Sister Lily's frequent apologies for using her spells was undeniably entertaining for Xierra. She was convinced that the nun didn't accidentally use her grimoire, considering the numerous occurrences she had witnessed. Xierra observed Asta planting his face into the ground, only to swiftly rebound before his soul had a chance to depart his body.

"I'm not giving up!"

Nash playfully labeled it as Asta's go-to life motto, a sentiment the other children readily embraced. While Xierra harbored the notion that it wasn't the nicest thing for them to do, she found it challenging to dispute the accuracy of their assessment.

Letting out a sigh, Xierra leaned against the sturdy wooden door frame, crossing her arms in an attempt to relish the lively commotion. However, her moment of respite was abruptly interrupted when two of the younger ones darted around her in a game of tag, their laughter echoing carefreely as they left her momentarily unbalanced.

The wind swooped in to catch her before she could tumble, proving more adept at restoring her balance than she was herself. Yuno came to a halt beside her, casting a quick glance to ensure she was steady on her feet.

Amused by her momentary lack of grace, Xierra chuckled. "Thanks," she whispered appreciatively, cupping her mouth so that only Yuno could hear.

He nodded in response, offering no further comment except a cautionary, "Be careful next time."

Despite the stoic façade on his face, Yuno's actions betrayed a subtle response. The two were brought back to reality, interrupted by the delightful sound of children's laughter. Yuno, nodding with a hand covering his mouth, cleared his throat awkwardly before retreating. Xierra raised an eyebrow, shaking her head.

Rekka, catching the exchange, bumped her hips against Xierra's with a knowing smile. "Ooh, I sense something new blooming," the redhead teased, grinning mischievously as she continued to carry the laundry to the clothesline.

Deciding it was best to pay no heed to Rekka's teasing words, Xierra shook off the lingering thoughts. Intent on heading inside to prepare dinner, she felt a gentle tug on her dress. The unmistakable sound of familiar whining accompanied the plea for her attention.

As she glanced back, Xierra noticed a head of ebony—Arlu. She couldn't help but find Horo adorable too, watching as he ran towards her and clutched her legs, his doe eyes looking up at her.

"Xie-neechan!" the two jollily exclaimed.

Xierra crouched down to their heights, taking a moment to straighten her skirt. A warm smile played on her lips as she observed the lovable sight before her. She spoke softly, "What is it? Do you need something?"

The direct query caused the children to beam brighter.

"Father said that you'll be in charge of our dinner today!" Arlu enthusiastically reminded her, a big smile lighting up her face, radiating her excitement. Arlu's energy was evident as she jumped on her tippy-toes, a bit too enthusiastic for Xierra to handle.

Xierra chuckled and nodded. "That's right."

"What will you cook?" Horo inquired, his curiosity evident. "Will it be 'tatoes again?" He leaned against Xierra's taller figure, gauging his weight while holding onto the soft fabric of her dress with his small hands.

Xierra found immense joy in their excitement, especially when it was her turn to prepare their meals. Sharing the responsibility of cooking with Sister Lily and Father Orsi had become a daily routine for her—though she couldn't help but notice the collective groans when it was the priest's turn. While she had a hunch about the reason, she preferred not to voice it aloud if she wished to avoid incurring Father Orsi's wrath. A rare occurrence, but a possibility nonetheless.

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