CHAPTER XXXI. Dungeons and Reunions Pt. 1

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"Huh? Isn't it supposed to be this way?"

"No, Master. We were supposed to hit right after that one tall tree!"

"Are you sure?"


Inari and Xierra soared through the skies, surrounded by fluffy clouds that obscured their view. Focused and determined, they grappled with a crumpled piece of paper bearing a map, its markings and details proving elusive amidst the billowing clouds.

Guided solely by a solitary red circle marking their destination on a somewhat crumpled map, they embarked on an arduous journey toward the dungeon. For Xierra, whose ventures had been confined to the familiar territories of Hage and the Crimson Lions' Headquarters, the outside world held a labyrinth of unexplored paths.

With no experienced navigators like Rhein or Leopold to lead the way, the pair found themselves lost in a continuous loop, circling aimlessly through unfamiliar landscapes. The intricacies of the outside world proved more challenging than they had anticipated, leading to moments of confusion and frustration along the way.

"If only Rhein were here..." Xierra sighed, her fingers running through her disheveled, snow-kissed locks, leaving them resembling a chaotic bird's nest. Inari, equally fatigued, huffed in solidarity.

Both, plagued by a lack of navigational prowess, found themselves in a perplexing maze of unfamiliar surroundings. Xierra's geographical expertise was limited to places she had previously explored, making their current predicament all the more challenging.

"Forget Rhein. How on earth did we end up here, Master?" Inari queried, his genuine perplexity evident as he emitted another exasperated huff.

Xierra pondered, casting her mind back to the events that led them to their current location. "You tell me. Captain sent us on another mission."

"Ah, the dungeon exploration, yeah?" Inari affirmed, bobbing his head despite being the one who inquired.

Xierra also nodded. "Leo and Rhein couldn't join us; they're on a different mission, supposedly an urgent one." A somber atmosphere enveloped her as she leaned back on her broom, exuding a sense of dejection.

Having frequented her broom with increasing regularity, Xierra had mastered even the most intricate tricks.

Her proficiency left her fox companion thoroughly impressed, marveling at his master's dedication to such feats, able to find time to practice.

"I believe that this dungeon was newly discovered?" Inari recalled, humming in thought. "By a random traveler that happened to find it, that is."

"Hmm... Dungeon, huh?" Xierra mused, uttering a term that, though vaguely familiar, held an air of unfamiliarity. Before embarking on separate missions, Leopold had taken the time to elucidate its meaning to her.


He was more than willing—perhaps, a bit too excited—to break down every detail of the mission to her. Fuegoleon had graciously delegated the entire explanation to him, and he was more than ready to unravel the intricacies of Xierra's upcoming endeavor.

"A 'dungeon,' you say? Mm," Leopold repeated her question, pondering for a moment as he rested his hand under his chin.

Rhein emerged from behind Fuegoleon's office door, flashing them a lopsided grin before slipping into the room and shedding his muddy robe. Offering a muttered "sorry" under Fuegoleon's scrutinizing gaze at the sight of the dirtied garment in his office, Rhein feigned innocence and casually patted Leopold's shoulder.

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