Dear Engene

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[BREAKING] Enhypen Jay Announce His Relationship With The Director of Amaranth Song Ara In A Heart Felt Letter

Dear Engene,
Today I'm going to introduce you to someone very dear to me. Before that, I want to thank you for being a beautiful part of my youth and supporting me through thick and thin. I'm always loved, thanks to you. As I'm writing this letter, I've a lot of thoughts on how to communicate my feelings without coming off as an arrogant person. I remember Engene asking me what's my ideal type and generally about my potential dating life, I had no specific answer at that point so I joked around. At least I tried to.

The thing is, I had the privilege of growing up with a lot of love in my life. My friends, family, my fans were always there for me, so the thought of not having a partner didn't bother me. Or maybe I was too busy to give it a thought. I won't lie though, the prospect of having someone beside me as my lover did fascinate me. It scared me equally for I had seen the life for what it really was. My fascination and fear battled for a long time with no direction.

I had almost given up. Thought I was okay being alone. That it's okay. Till someone special walked into my life. It's funny because I swear I had no intention of approaching this person. Maybe because she looked too much out of my league. Many Engene had asked me to do dance challenge with her, but I always hesitated. 'What if my crush became too visible for people?' I had those kind of embarrassing thoughts. Now that I look back at it, I laugh. She laughs too.

To be honest, I don't know if this is the right way to say this, but Engene, I really like this person. Please give us a lot of love for I'm finally taking this huge step out of my comfort zone and dating someone. I hope you see us in a good light. This person has made my life better. I like how she makes me feel. It hasn't been an easy journey and we're still getting to know each other slowly. I'm happy. I hope you're happy for us too.

Thank you for everything.

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