18 | Who Are You

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Jay was fast asleep by the time I came out of the bathroom. Now that I wasn't in bed, lazing out, I could suddenly see exhaustion on his face. The way his phone was still in his hand and uncomfortable position he was sleeping in, I knew he struggled to stay awake. He didn't want to fall asleep because this selfless idiot wanted to watch over me.

Afternoon light struck through the window. Ah. He must've been up all night long after I fainted. I tiptoed to close the curtain and then adjusted Jay's head on the pillow before covering him with a blanket. "Stupid. Idiot. You don't even like me," I murmured. "You should have asked Liam to get me checked, but no, you've to be the superman."

I could never understand him. His unlocked phone screen showed me that he had been texting someone. Without taking a glance, I closed it, and put it back on the table. "Ara," He mumbled and I looked down as he grabbed my hand. I watched him for a moment but he was sleeping deeply.

A soft knock came on the door. I gently pulled my hand back, and went to see the visitor. Sunghoon's concern face greeted me. "Ara-"

"Shhh." I signaled him to keep it down. He glanced over my shoulder and smiled at sleeping Jay. "I'm alright now. You don't have to worry."

Sunghoon nodded. "I know. Jay texted. Here." He handed me a fruit bowl. "Jay asked me to get it for you."

"Uhmm... Thanks." I gave him a tight smile. It was weird. Why was Jay acting like a good guy? I mean he was a good guy, but he hated me. So what changed? Did my getting sick really made him soft? Interesting.

"I'll leave you to rest. We had a magazine shoot here. Jay and all of us have to leave by tomorrow." He sighed. "Jay would have stayed back, but you know how whole group has to be there at airport for photos."

"Sunghoon... Jay don't have to do anything for me. I mean I'm glad for last night and today, but we're not dating anymore. I can take care of myself." I stared at the fruit bowl. "I've caused him enough trouble."

"Ara, you can't push away people when things get out of your control."

"Sorry?" I stilled, staring at him.

"Look, I know you like Jay. Even love him. But I've seen it before and I'm seeing it now too... You're always pushing him away. It's like you're scared of his affection. I've watched him taking care of you and I'm not saying that you didn't care for him, you did, but it's like there's a wall around you. It's like you stop yourself from being you."


"I'm not saying get back with Jay, but I want you to be happy. And, Jay made you happy. I know that."

I almost laughed at the irony. Jay pretended to be a loving boyfriend and everyone fell for his act. It was an act though. I knew it. Only if others had seen this too. They wouldn't blame me for holding back.

"I know what you're saying, but I really think Jay wants to take care of me as a... friend. We have hurt each other too much, Sunghoon. I don't think we can ever get over our differences." I gave him a small smile. "Don't worry. I'll be happy. Just like he's happy without me."

"He is n- Enjoy the fruit bowl. I'll see you later." He sighed, ruffling my hair. "Don't dare to ghost me this time."

I winked. "Not so sure about that."

After closing the door, I went to grab my laptop and cringed at the fuckery that happened earlier. I just hoped Jay would forget about it soon. But... would we meet again after this? Would he bother to see me? He hated me. He did. He shut the door on my face. He kicked me out of his life. Even last night he was there to mock me. He hadn't forgotten or forgiven. Huh. I was worried about him teasing him, but when would we even meet?

In A Relationship With Enhypen Jay [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now