23 | The Ex Girlfriend

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It felt like a deja vu.

Jay was no longer beside me when I woke up the next day. I wanted to say I was disappointed but I had it coming. Seriously. He gave in because of my demand. I sat up, pulled my hair in a ponytail and climbed down the bed. It's okay, Ara. I repeated in my head times and times again as I showered, and changed into new set of clothes.

When I was done, I came out to see the house keeping staff cleaning the room. The bedsheets were changed. No traces of Jay. No scent of sex in the air. I almost scoffed. My life was a continuous charade. Nothing constant. I got my phone and saw a text from Chayoung.

Chayoung : I heard what happened after I left the club. Do you want to talk about it?

Me: No

I put the phone on charge, got my laptop and started working. It was the best way to distract myself. Work. This was what I was made for. There was a knock on the door, and it opened. I shook my head. "No time for breakfast, Liam. Leave." I kept looking at the screen, trying to understand the new solution designing team had come up with. "Liam, don't stay there standing, and get your ass working."

"And, how should I do that, ma'am?"

I paused. Wait a minute. I looked up. Jay was there. In his black outfit. Arms crossed against his chest. Leaning against the door. I gulped. His beautiful eyes stared at me as he tilted his head and raised his brows. Was I hallucinating? And then he was walking towards me. I watched his move, waiting for him to disappear at any given moment. He was a dream. He had to be.

"I thought I clearly instructed you to not skip meals." Jay took laptop from me and turned it off. He placed it on the table and sat down beside me. "What's wrong with you?" He frowned when I kept staring at him. "Ara, you're not going to talk?"

I tapped his cheek. "Oh. You're real."

He grumbled. "Seriously?" Taking my hands in his, he made me cup his cheeks. "I'm real. In flesh."

My fingers tingled as I touched his soft skin. "Wait." I pulled away from him. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean?" Jay chuckled. "I never left. I cooked you breakfast. Thought you should get enough sleep before I wake you up, but here you are. All ready for the day without stepping out of the room once."

"I... I had work." I avoided his eyes, my hands fumbling. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you cooked me breakfast."

"You still should have had it. Come on." Jay grabbed my hand, and I climbed down the bed, following him out. The moment, he glanced over his shoulder and smiled brightly, I knew I would follow him anywhere if he wanted me to. "You should cook me breakfast too. Someday."

I returned his smile. "Someday." I was about to take my seat at the dining table, but he stopped me. I bit back my smile when he pulled my chair and gestured me to sit. "Thank you, gentleman."

He set up the table. He moved efficiently. Like a water. "You're staring again, Ara."

"You're handsome." I shrugged.

Jay laughed with his whole body shaking, a happy laugh that wasn't mean or judgmental. It was just him. "Thanks, I guess."

Jungwon entered the kitchen. "Hi noona."

I nodded. "When did you arrive?" I asked as I scanned his face. His eyes... "Did you cry?"

"Can you be subtle darling?" Jay rolled his eyes.

I shrugged. "Gyuvin isn't her boyfriend, so don't get your heart in twist. She's single. Why did you leave her though?"

Jungwon stayed silent. He got his phone from the table. "I'll leave now, noona. Goodbye."

In A Relationship With Enhypen Jay [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now