24 | He Loved Her Before Me

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September 2019
"Jay, if you're seeing this... I must tell you. I'm scared. Sometimes I feel like I'm losing you already. Isn't that crazy?" Byeol was smiling. "I met Heesung today. I also saw Sunghoon. They teased me saying that I only talk about you to them. Well, what can I say? I love you the most."

"I bought this camera for recording our memories but it feels like I have to make this thing my friend. I'm leaving my thoughts here. For you, Jay. I miss you. Till you come back to me, I'm going to talk to this camera. I love you. I miss you. Everyday."

Mid-September 2019
"Do you remember the first time you liked someone? You were sulking because that girl rejected your pepero? I know I know you hate when I bring it up, but it was so funny. I swear you're the cutest when you sulk.

She is your first love. It's okay, I'm your last. Right? That's what you say anyways.

Jay, you're too far nowadays. Are the trainees nice to you? Heesung is there, so I'm not much concerned. He's the best brother to you. I like him. I hope you debute with him. Sunghoon too. I hope you meet a lot of good guys, and keep your friendships sacred.

I'm always rooting for you. Always praying for you. I love you."

Late-September 2019
"Jay, we have a lot of time together, right? You're not leaving me ever. Right? I miss you. I miss spending time with you. You're running towards your dreams with full speed and I'm so proud of you. So so proud. There's a part of me which is sad because I feel like we're drifting apart, but I don't want to be selfish. Not with you. Never with you."

Her eyes glistened with tears. "So run. Run towards your dreams. I'll be here. And when you look back, you'll see the distance between us. That path is the one you will have walked, Jay. I'll be your milestone of beginning. Of the history. Of the success you're going to achieve. I love you."

October 2019
"Jay, what are you doing? To be honest, I held my tears back when I saw you today. I wanted to cry so much when you were leaving. Saying goodbye yet again, but I stayed strong. I didn't want you to feel bad for me. You can't fall weak because of my stupid emotions.

How's that kid? Jungwon, was it? All you talk about is him since you met him weeks ago. He seems like a sweet person. I hope he debutes with you. I can tell you adore him. You're bringing him someday, right? I hope you do.

I want to be friends with your friends. I want to become a part of you again.

I want to listen to your voice again. The sound of your breathing when you fall asleep on my shoulder.

See you smile when I surprise you with my presence. Hear you rant about science.

Squish your cheeks. Call you 'cool guy' because I know you love hearing that.

I want to match your steps again as we walk aimlessly on the streets. I want you to look at me again, Jay."

Byeol burst into tears. Her lips trembled and hands shook as she tried to held the camera properly. She wiped her tears and took a deep breath. "Jay, I miss you. I'm trying to be strong but I miss you so much. Come back soon. I love you."

Mid-October 2019
"Helloooo my boyfie. This is Hayun. She's the transfered student and my new friend. Don't feel jealous when you get to know about her. It serves you right for not meeting me when you came home last weekend." Byeol pouted. "I know you were in hurry but you could have informed me. I would have come back from the school early."

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