27 | My Love, All Mine

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Of course I met Jay again.

After half of an year.

Even if I didn't want to, I had to. He was the brand ambassador. He visited US for the show. Chayoung was here as a guest too, and she had an interview scheduled, so couldn't join for lunch. I came to see Jay with everyone in attendance. I didn't trust myself around him alone. My staff and managers had dinner with Enhypen Jay.

He kept it professional too. Meeting my eyes only when answering my queries. Park Jay was a fantastic actor after all. He was dressed in all black, and I won't say I didn't feel my heart beat accelerating just at the sight of him. He was just so so gorgeous.

I knew how Engene treated my interactions with him. I had seen a lot of them excited about my upcoming public meeting with Jay. They shipped us since the last time we had pictures clicked for the one and only time together. Crazy times. That day we were fighting. We were literally on a war with each other.

"Do you guys remember the time Engenes went crazy about Jay and Ara's visual and demanded him to make a tick tock challenge with her? Crazy times!"

"Hahaha yes! And, he got so shy, saying she's his boss. It'll be unprofessional. Our cute Jay."

"Poor boy was so disappointed. Like really? Tick tock with the brand designer? Lol."

"Imagine if he talked about it tomorrow with her?"

"I can't wait to see their interactions"

It seems like ages ago now. No Sunoo. No Bora. No Sunghoon. Just two of us, together yet millions years apart.

"That's a wrap up now."

We all stood up. Jay reached out to shake hands of others as I thanked the team leaders for their hardwork. The show was going to be a talk of the country tomorrow. I thanked staff, and then both of us turned to each other. Jay had a polite smile on his face, and I returned it with a nod.

"It's nice meeting you again, ma'am." Jay reached out as I shook hands with him. The way he held my hand gave me goosebumps. His touch reminded me of several secret meetings and away from the public eye conversations we had. My body knew him like my soul. "I hope the show does well tomorrow. Can't wait to see it."

"Thank you for being here." My smile was wide, and it almost flattered when I felt the touch of his thumb, caressing the back of my hand. I stared at him. "It's nice to see you again too, Mr Park."

Jay let go off me. I cleared my throat and said my good byes to others. I got into my car. Liam slid beside me. He didn't say anything but didn't have to. I could understand his emotions. He was definitely giving me a side eye, assessing my emotions. I kept my bitch face on.

"Look Ara-" I knew the lecture was coming.

My phone started ringing. 'Cherry' flashed on the screen, and I felt my heart in my mouth. It was Jay. I picked up the call, and tried to sound normal. "Song Ara speaking."

"Where's Chayoung staying?" The urgency in his voice told me he was in no mood for my bullshit attitude.

"Hotel Paradise. What's going on?"

A deep breath. "Jungwon... Jungwon has gone to see her. I don't feeling good about this."

I closed my eyes. Damn you leader. "I'm heading there. See you." I hung up on him, and instructed the driver to take me to Chayoung's hotel. Jay was near the elevator when I reached there. We entered into the closed space, and I avoided his eyes. We parted on good terms, yet it felt awkward being here with him.

In A Relationship With Enhypen Jay [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now