6 | Dark Paradise

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I was holding birthday cake for Jay. Enhypen members wanted me to. Who was I to refuse? Good girlfriend didn't do that. I came out of the kitchen with Sunoo clapping happily as we went to the living room. Sunoo was a good guy, but his relationship with Bora made him my target. What a tragedy.

Jay was standing with Jungwon who grinned, and turned my boyfriend towards me. His eyes settled on me and then the cake. As if remembered the happy go lucky guy he was supposed to play, Jay quickly smiled and came. Everyone surrounded us as he got wishes.

"Happy birthday," I said softly, and he glanced at me before closing his eyes and blowing the candles. I wondered what he wished for, but then discarded the thought. Jay was boring. He probably wished for my downfall so that his Bora could be happy. He was petty like that.

Chayoung entered the scene afterwards, and gave me a nod. We acted like we didn't know each other. Just last week, I had met her, and she said she was fooling around with Jungwon. That she didn't feel one bit of emotion for the guy. Hah. As if I believed that, but seeing her being so cool and nonchalant around Jungwon right now made me a bit suspicious. Was she really not into that cat guy?

"Chayoung plays piano beautifully. Just like you, Ara." Sunghoon proposed. He and I had long forgotten about his drinking incident. He apologized. I asked him to forget it. "Chayoung, play something. Jay and Ara should dance. No? Jungwon, you sing!"

Of course, I and Chayoung were good at playing pianos. We were cut from the same paper. Same hobbies. Same talents. Same issues. Same traumas. Same pettiness. She hated her parents. I hated my father. She hated the world. I wanted to burn it down myself. We were alike in many ways.

Jay gave me his hand, and I put on my best smile before I gave in. His one arm circled my waist as he pulled me to him and I stared into his dark eyes. Jay moved us easily as the music poured through the piano. Everyone disappeared around the world, and all I knew was him.

How was it possible to feel this intensely for someone? Even if it was hatred? And, I had no doubt that we both despised each other. He and I were on the opposite sides of the morality. We didn't even have a good conversation without fighting or threatening each other, so how come I felt like I knew him more than I knew anyone else?

"You sure you're not an actress?" Jay asked, his cheek pressed against mine as he tried to show our non existent romance, but people fell for it. I saw it the way Sunoo grinned, gushing with Jungwon about it.

"You sure you're an idol. Not a full time actor?" I hugged him to me as we swayed on the slow beats. "I wonder how many lies you've told in the public since you're this good at it."

"I promise you're the biggest lie of my life," Jay replied and kissed my cheek.

I sighed and leaned more into him. "I promise you're one of the many lies I've told over the years."

"No doubt there," he muttered under his breath. "You're not going to give up, are you? Do I need to keep this charade until the end of life?"

"My my. Are you proposing me for marriage? To our forever." I gasped dramatically and leaned back to look at him. He rolled his eyes and I chuckled. "Aw babe. You should get on your knee, don't you think so?"

"You're a strange person. Do you know that?" Jay scanned my face and I sobered immediately, meeting his gaze head on. "I can never guess which of your smiles are real. Do you even smile sincerely?"

"Spoiler alert." I smiled widely. "None of my smiles are genuine. I am the villain. We don't have a soul. Don't you remember? You told me that yourself."

His face void of any emotions, Jay twirled me around and pulled me back to him fast and I had to hold on to his shoulders to balance myself. His face was close, and I got the deja vu of the last time we were this close. Jay had kissed me. The way his eyes moved to my lips, I knew he was thinking of the same event.

In A Relationship With Enhypen Jay [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now