I - Pharaon's wife

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It was a very hot day. Although it might not have been that hot, but Jungkook's cheeks and lips were red, and his legs were still trembling.

He smiled so widely that even the scorching sun didn't shine as brightly as his smile did. His heart pounded strongly in his chest, with each beat, thoughts returning to that moment.

But now, with the pharaoh's permission, Jungkook left the palace and came to the river lost in thoughts.

This place was full of greenery, palm trees. A beautiful Nile shore, with pyramids visible. The pharaoh's palace was just a little beyond them.

Jungkook placed his hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating strongly. He bent down to the water, seeing his red cheeks in reflection, and the same wide grin.

Jungkook ran his hand through his heated dark hair and sighed. He tilted his head upward, not even trying to open his eyes, knowing the sun would blind him instantly.

Somewhere further, he heard water splashing and looked in that direction. On the shore, Jungkook saw nothing, but the river rippled.

He could glimpse something white under the water, and he immediately stood up and ran towards it.

Indeed, something was struggling to emerge underwater. Jungkook jumped into the water himself, his hands quickly grasping the person.

When he pulled the person, a girl, out of the water, he began to revive her. His heart pounded again, but this time out of worry.

Maybe he was too late. No, she must be alive.

And after a few moments, the girl coughed and started to breathe. Relief washed over Jungkook's face.

He held the girl's hand, supporting her as he saw her trying to sit up. Her hair was over her face, so he brushed it away.

Their eyes met. Jungkook gasped slightly. He had never seen such beautiful eyes. The girl was very pretty, even with her long, tangled hair and wet see-through dress.

Oh God.

Jungkook's cheeks reddened again when he realized her wet clothes. Stupid sheer dresses. Wet ones don't serve any purpose and don't cover anything.

Seeing his expression, the girl smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry..." Hearing her voice, Jungkook shook his head, clearing his throat, trying to push thoughts about her dress away.

"Are you okay? I managed to pull you out in time, you would have... well, you know."

The girl smiled softly, "Thank you. I didn't think this river spot would be so deep, otherwise I wouldn't have tried to swim here."

"Swim? With clothes on?" Jungkook's eyes widened when he realized how that sounded, so he he asked with a slight stutter,

"I'm Jungkook. What's your name?"

"I'm Annette," the girl replied, brushing sand off her hands.

"Annette," Jungkook tested her name.

"Unique name, you're probably not from around here. I haven't seen you before."

"No," Annette said, standing up, "I came from another city."

"But the other city is very far it's a long journey through the desert."

Indeed, reaching another nearest city with a horse would take several days.

And there was no sign of Annette's horse.She had nothing with her, just that sheer dre-

Jungkook needs to stop thinking about it. Annette bent down to a small bush, from which she pulled a dagger.

A simple dagger, but Jungkook couldn't help but notice a few small green beads at the bottom of it.

"Why do you need that?"

It was strange for a girl like Annette to have a dagger. She didn't look like a hunter or a warrior.

"For safety. Unpleasant people sometimes appear in the deserts." Annette twirled the dagger in her hands, looking at the green beads shimmering in the sunlight.

"Then why, knowing it's not safe in the desert, you made such a long journey and came here?" Curiosity was evident in his voice.

"I heard the pharaoh is looking for a wife," she waited,

"I want to become one."

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