CXV. Exposed Family Secrets

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[A/N] - 5363 words, another super long chapter because I got super motivated!


Tywin, Jaime and Trystan rode first on their horses with dozens of soldiers and golden cloaks riding behind them. Many were armoured and had their swords ready except for Trystan and Tywin, who wished not to waste any time by trying to wear armour.

They all had galloped through the city and headed straight up Visenya's hill, the hooves of the horses making the earth tremble as the Old Lion of Casterly Rock only saw red in his vision. From afar, they saw all the people that had gathered in the White Marble Plaza and if one squinted their eyes, they could see Visenya kneeling in front of the High Sparrow.

The sight alone was something that drove Tywin over the edge but before he could even start stomping on people with his horse, something else took place. The explosion made the whole ground shake, the wave followed right after it spread in a circular radius and even reached them.

The force was so strong, that many had to lift one hand to protect their eyes from the pieces of dirt, debris and smoke that came their way, while the other hand held tightly on the reins. The horses were uneasy, the explosion having scared most of them and soldiers tried to keep them calm.

Yet, despite all that; the three Lions came to the same conclusion.

The explosion had started from the Steps of the Sept and Visenya was there, right in the heart of the explosion. As if sharing one mind, they all wasted no time and started to lead their horses; worry, fear and anger were the only dominant emotions leading their actions.

They moved through the wounded and terrified crowd, many common folks jumping out of the way or being pushed to the side by Lannister Soldiers and Golden Cloaks.

Coughing was heard all around them as slowly the cloud of smoke and dust was being lifted higher up into the air. Many citizens were on the ground and as they approached the Sept, they could see many more faintly injured but only a few truly were dead; burnt by the wildfire.

Tywin was the one to stop his horse and look around, his lips parted and his golden-flecked green eyes were wide in worry. In the past, he found the sight of the green fire all around him to be a unique and rather fascinating view but now; he truly cursed that damn green flame and partially even its creator.

He kept looking around, coughing faintly but there was no sign of Visenya or anyone. The top of the Sept was in pieces and so were the steps, a mix of flipped marble and dirt. Bright green flames were all around them, slowly eating through the marble and the ground.

Fearing for the worst but refusing to believe it, Tywin turned to his men. "Start searching! I want everyone to search and bring forward anyone you find" he ordered, unable to truly say the word 'body' at the moment.

Unless he saw the corpse of his wife in front of him, the Old Lion refused to believe that she was dead. It would be impossible to survive a wildfire explosion, a part of himself kept repeating but he refused to listen to it.

If one could hear those thoughts, mockery would ensue but thankfully no one did. Even his face was impossible to read, the usual cold stoned expression was worn as a mask; preventing anyone from seeing through it.

"Father," Trystan said but did not dare to look anywhere but ahead.

Tywin and Jaime took notice and followed his gaze, seeing that he was staring at the thick cloud of dust and smoke. As the few rays of sun managed to pass through the already lifted clouds of smoke, they allowed everyone to see the figure of someone; walking towards them.

The Shadow Queen of Tywin LannisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon