CXLII. Unexpected Visions, part 2

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Meanwhile in the Real World...


The sudden fainting spell had drawn attention and many had rushed to check on what was going on. Jon had helped Bran to remain seated in his wheelchair and was checking up on him. He was breathing but he seemed to be unconscious.

Sansa was kneeling next to the wheelchair, holding Leaf in her arms to keep her away from the snow beneath them. She had been from the few humans to come closer to her, the two of them having somehow clicked and the young Stark had learnt to appreciate the company of the short human-like ancient creature that she had heard tales about when she was a child.

"What is going on?" Arya asked, standing not so far away and looking with worry at her siblings. She would occasionally look behind her where the Lion pride had gathered around an unconscious Visenya.

Trystan and Jaime had noticed that something was wrong with their mother and had managed to act in time when she lost her senses and started to fall forward. Now, she was resting against the body of Trystan, who was trying not to panic.

Jaime and Oberyn were around him, and so were Tywin and Kevan. The Old Lion had appeared in record time, having always kept an eye on his wife from a few floors above.

At the same time, Daenerys had rushed to them but mostly towards Visenya when she was informed of what took place.

"What is going on?" she asked as well as she came to a halt next to Tormund with Grey Worm and Tyrion right behind her. "What happened to them?" she asked next, her eyes mostly focused on her unconscious aunt.

"I don't know" the Free Folk Leader answered. "One moment they were all fine and the next, they just collapsed like corpses"

"Something is not right" she heard Trystan say, making her turn and place her full focus on him.

She saw how the whole Lion Pride had gathered around Visenya, protecting her in a way and they were all equally clueless; some showing their worry far more than some others.

"A lot of things are not right, Trystan" Kevan argued with him.

"No, check...she is freezing cold. Mother is never cold" the Half-Lion argued as he had placed his fingers by her cheek and sensed the sudden temperature change.

Tywin frowned but took off one glove before touching the cheek of his wife with the back of his fingers. "She never is" he agreed, keeping a cool and calm mask on his face but one could hear it in his tone that worry was growing within him.

Visenya's body temperature never fell low, especially that low. It was as if she had been left outside naked, to freeze to death. It was not right and it was worrisome.

Suddenly, three different gasps were heard as all three opened their eyes at the same time.

They gasped as if they had not been breathing for a while, their chests heaving and their lungs in desperate need of air. They all felt the coldness around them, involuntarily shaking slightly as their bodies tried to warm up themselves.

Leaf was shaking the most, mostly out of fear while Bran remained rather passive; but one could see that he was troubled.

Visenya had almost jumped up and Trystan had to keep a strong grip on her to ensure she did not slip off his grip. She looked terrified for a moment, like a person waking up from a very bad nightmare.

"Mother, what happened?" Jaime asked, relieved to see her blinking and breathing but still worried about her condition.

She did not answer directly, instead, she tried to push herself until she had her upper body into a more sitting position. She looked from the lions around her towards Bran, as his brown eyes locked with her amber ones.

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