CXLIII. Silent Care & Dragon Ideas

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Guest Chambers of Visenya & Tywin, West Wing – Winterfell, The North, Westeros – Nightfall


Night had long spread over the North by the time Visenya made her way into the castle and towards her chambers. Her muscles felt sore and her mind was mentally exhausted from all the intense emotions.

Flying with Rhaegal had helped her, keeping her away from everyone and allowing her to sense the freedom she had long exchanged for the chains around her neck; all in the name of protecting the realm and the future of her family.

Daenerys eventually joined her, flying on top of Drogon and the two of them spent some time in the air; watching the sun setting in the distant horizon. Even after they landed their dragons, they did not speak of the incident that took place.

The Mother of Dragons asked her aunt once about the dream of her mother dying but after that, did not bring up the topic; since it was clear that her aunt carried a heavy enough burden on her shoulders.

Instead, they talked of anything else and Visenya soon found her mind relaxing. The stories of her niece and her adventures and the feeling of warm rough scales against her back offered her much-needed comfort.

The sun set early above the North and when the sky was dark, she made her way back to the castle with her. They bid their goodnights and she headed for her chambers, suspecting Tywin would be expecting her.

If he wished to argue about her just leaving like that, she was not in the mood and she would stop him before he could truly start.

To her surprise, though, that did not seem to be the case.

Instead, when she entered her chambers; she found him standing by the fireplace with a goblet in his hand. Upon hearing the door opening, he turned his head to look at her and she could not see any anger or annoyance in his golden-flecked green eyes.

"You are finally back" he pointed out as he let the goblet by the table and walked towards her.

"I apologize for taking so long. I did not have the mental strength to come back" she confessed, no longer ashamed of showing some weakness to him.

She was so tired at that moment, she did not truly care nor did she bother to hide it. She headed for the chest with her clothes, wishing more than anything to just change into something else and lay under the covers; even if her blanket was made of animal pelts.

Tywin, though, did not seem willing to comment on that. Instead, he stopped by her side and started to help her undress; as if he could see the mental strain in her eyes and who said he couldn't.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, his eyes always keeping an eye on her as if she would faint on him again or something else would happen.

"Exhausted of this... game...of everything..." she confessed looking at the ground in front of her feet as Tywin worked to help her change.

He had never truly done that except for when she had the arrow wound but even then, she did most of the work and he helped. Now, he seemed willing to do it fully on his own and she did not fight him; somehow finding this little action rather sweet and warm.

"As you should be, as all of us should be" he agreed, once he had helped her change. He was already in simple breeches and a tunic, having long changed and simply waiting for her in the silence of the room. "Come" he gently guided her towards the bed that was not that far away from them.

Lifting the covers, he waited for her to lay on the bed first and then he followed suit; before covering them up all the way to their waist. This time, though, he did not spoon her from behind like he usually did.

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