LXX. Pride Meeting, part 1

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The Chambers of the Hand, Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands


Visenya sat on her chair by Tywin's right, facing the same table the small council had a meeting a few days ago. Her husband, as per usual, was sitting at the head of the table with Cersei on his left.

Next to Visenya sat Trystan, without his usual armour and having a style similar to his father; although less strict and menacing. He had said nothing since he arrived with his mother, afraid of what he would hear.

When all the Lions were to gather, outside of breaking fast, having lunch or supper; it was something bad. All of them knew it and he barely had to glance at his half-sister, to see her uncomfortably sitting on her chair.

"Where is that little monster anyway?" the Lioness asked, getting tired of waiting. She wished to know what this was all about since they hadn't truly gathered as a family to discuss it in years.

The last time that took place...she did not wish to remember. It was never good and waiting in silence was killing her. She glanced at Trystan, seeing that he was also not on his best behaviour. He was silent but his right hand was in a fist above the table, his eyes focused on the wooden furniture in front of them.

Good, at least Father's Golden Boy is uneasy as well, she thought.

Suddenly, the sound of steps made everyone look at the door and see Tyrion walking their way, carrying a large tome.

"You are late" his father pointed out, clearly displeased with his late arrival.

He was always a punctual man and he did not like being the one to wait for others, especially those who in his eyes were so far beneath him.

Tyrion noticed that his siblings were present too and so was his good-mother. While the latter was not a surprise to be present, the other two Lions were. "What's are they doing here?" he questioned but he had started to suspect.

"Our business concerns them, too. It concerns all our family" he said. "Sit."

The Imp paled faintly but did not truly show it. A quick glance at his siblings and he knew, this was not an ordinary meeting. This was a Pack Meeting and nothing good ever truly came from them, at least for the kids.

He ended up sitting across from his father at the other end of the table."You'll be pleased to learn that after one conversation with Olenna Tyrell..." he started and opened the huge book he was carrying. "I've saved the crown hundreds of thousands on this wedding."

"Never mind that now. We have something important to discuss." His father told him.

"I'm Master of Coin. Saving money is important." Tyrion argued back and then saw that smug look on Cersei's face. She knew something more than he did. "Stop that. You're making me uncomfortable."

Visenya cleared her throat, loud enough for them to hear. She gave them a look, a motherly warning look not to continue their stupid sibling argument right now. Thankfully for her, they obeyed and instead focused on their father.

"Your sister and your good-mother have learned that your new friends the Tyrells are plotting to marry Sansa Stark to Ser Loras" he informed, making Cersei look at her good-mother since she did not know.

She truly thought she had made a discovery when she found out, a chance to prove to her father that she could still help the family. However, now she understood that her good-mother had been ahead of her all this time.

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