CXXI. Dornish Wedding

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The Wedding between Myrcella and Trystane finally took place and it was a very memorable event. While it was the usual wedding under the 7, there was this difference because the couple was actually in love and happy; and the people around were far more cheerful.

The clothing everyone wore was that of Dornish style, even the big guests could not escape it; not that many minded.

Margaery simply loved the dress, the colours and the texture; wishing to take some with her back to Westeros. Tommen was the most awkward, not used to such clothing but an encouraging smile and a compliment from his queen; and he learnt to accept it.

Trystan and Jaime were in a similar position, with Jaime minding it even less. Instead, he took some pride in wearing it and was glad to hear something with more movement and was not the usual leather jackets that Lannister men wore.

All the jackets had a rather open V and Jaime did not mind copying Oberyn; choosing not to wear a tunic beneath and simply let his fit chest be exposed. He still felt some of his old pride as a result of the eyes of women that fell on him, although now there was no cockiness behind it.

Trystan, on the other hand, had worn a tunic from within and kept ensuring that his jacket was closed. He had earned the attention of many women throughout his stay, two coming from the Sand Snakes; surprisingly.

Of course, he only replied with mannered charming smiles for in his mind; there was only one girl he would rather talk and spend time with; Sansa.

There was still no news of her but Trystan kept hoping that she was safe, somewhere and was even planning to reclaim her home. He went as far as to pray to the Sept, although he did feel that perhaps the Valyrian Gods would be more willing to listen.

The feast was a big event with music and sweet Dornish wine being all around them. People mingled between them, danced and drank and generally had fun; no true need for formalities and fake smiles.

Even Prince Doran had made an appearance, still trapped in his wheelchair but he looked genuinely happy for his son. He properly met all of his guests and then joined his wife, son and good-daughter at the main table where Oberyn and Ellaria also sat.

More and more people got up to dance, including Tommen with Margaery and Trystane with Myrcella. The Dornish boy was holding her carefully, always minding her swollen belly but one could easily see from the look they gave one another; that they were truly charmed by one another.

One could go as far as to say they had fallen in love.

The two lions and the dragon were watching from their table, their plates empty and their goblets being refilled each time they emptied it. They seemed to enjoy the festivities nonetheless, the music different from what they were used to and so were most dances; but there was joy and happiness the same all around it.

Their eyes were on Myrcella and her husband, seeing them dancing so sweetly; both too innocent as every child should be.

"They do seem like one of the best matches that could happen" Trystan commented, proud that his niece was growing up.

Although he did feel old seeing her with a baby bump and now pregnant when only a few years ago she was a shy little girl, who hung on his leg and asked him to read her bedtime stories at night. He could not believe how fast time had passed but with everything that had taken place in the last 3 years, one could not truly blame him.

Visenya nodded her head, her goblet held in her hand. "They do but the age also helps. The closer they are, the easier can be to match" she commented and sipped some sweet Dornish wine, knowing she would miss it back at King's Landing.

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