LXXXII. Secret Deals & Family Conflictions

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As the letter had said, the Martells arrived at King's Landing barely a day after the letter was sent to them. However, when Tyrion tried to welcome them, he found out that Doran Martell could not come due to sickness and instead his younger brother; Oberyn had taken his place.

The famous Red Viper had left the dwarf standing as he had already chosen to visit the famous brothels of King's Landing. Eventually, he was found and after a small talk; Tyrion left and Oberyn searched for a new brothel to spend his time.


Chataya's Brother, Road of Silk – King's Landing, CrownLands – A few hours after the arrival of the Martells


The sun had started to set above the city of King's Landing, the sky changing into a colour combination of red, orange, pink and yellow. The Road of Silk was not that busy yet since most customers chose to come after the sky had turned dark.

A few did choose to visit earlier than others, taking advantage that the Brothels were not that full and most of their favourite girls were not taken by others.

One of them was a hooded figure covered by a pitch-black simple cloak that covered their head and almost their full body. Their brown horse was left to a stable boy to take as the hooded figure entered one of the brothels, their head lowered to avoid any recognition.

The sign of the Brothel read Chataya's and many common folks and residents knew that it was one of the finest, most expensive and most popular brothels existing in the Capital; some saying it was one of the best across Westeros.

The figure entered and drew the attention of the owner, who started to walk their way with her hips swaying faintly. The owner, Chataya, was a tall, elegant, dignified, and handsome black woman from the Summer Isles.

She had ebon skin, and sandalwood-coloured eyes, easily standing out against the usual and common whiter and slightly tanned skin tones existing amongst citizens of King's Landing. Her green feathered gown was gracefully framing her curves and her body.

"Welcome to my brothel, stranger. How my girls can be of help to you?" she asked with her smooth voice, her accent resonating as she spoke.

The customer moved their hood back to expose their face and partially their white hair while a pair of amber eyes met the woman, who was slightly shorter than her.

"Hello old friend" Visenya greeted, a small smile on her face.

The brothel owner offered a pearly white smile, arms extending in a welcoming manner. "Dragoness" she purred. "It has been too long"

"Far too long, indeed"

Chataya used to be a prostitute when younger and was one day even paid a visit by Aerys when he was King, only to be rejected due to her skin colour. However, to her luck, Visenya found out and approached her; realizing that she could be a good ally.

For the right amount of price, she could keep an eye on whatever woman Aerys and other Lords slept with; keeping that information for later use. Her money had helped Chataya to become more independent and eventually open her own Brothel, where she treated girls far better than she had been treated.

Visenya often used her charm talk and her connections to send Lords to her brothel thus helping her make more money while in return Visenya was informed of anything important that would leave their lips.

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