XVI. Crossing the Line, part 1

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[A/N] - A small but cute chapter, showing the relationship between Visenya and some other characters. It is also the beginning of the fluff/smut that comes in the next chapter.


The following morning, Visenya broke fast with Aerys and Rhaegar and the two siblings were awkwardly quiet. They were not used to eating together or discussing, merely exchanging a few talks here and there.

The young Crown Prince was the one doing most of the talking, bringing up the Tourney and the girls he talked to during the feast of the previous time. Visenya listened the most, smiling faintly and commenting while Aerys was quiet and barely acknowledged it. After the time passed torturously slowly, Aerys left first and left his relatives behind.

Visenya had the chance to take Rhaegar on a tour around Casterly Rock and together they explored the grounds, before settling for some light sparring in the training grounds along with Ser Barristan and even Jaime.


The Crown Prince was not an adult yet but his technique and skills were improving daily, being above average than most boys his age. His aunt could not be prouder but that did not mean she made it easy for him and neither did Ser Barristan; compared to Jaime.

The sound of a wooden sword sliding against the ground and the sound of a body falling against it was heard as Jaime was pushed on the ground by Rhaegar. However, his wooden sword was pushed to the side by Visenya, who moved to defend the boy.

Ser Barristan appeared at Rhaegar's side, rubbing a spot where Visenya had managed to land a hit with her wooden sword.

"Not bad, Princess. You have improved, although a sneaky attack" the King's guard said and smiled in pride. He then used his wooden sword to fix the footing of the Crown Prince. "Keep your legs less open, or you will not have a stable balance"

The Princess lowered her wooden sword and turned to face the fallen Jaime, offering her hand to him. She was dressed in a simple tunic and pants since her Armour had been left in King's Landing.

"You did well, Jaime. One day you will make a great knight" she told the boy age 10 and gently pulled him to his feet.

"I guess...I lost, though" he said, his lips pouting faintly and it amused Visenya.

She gently nudged him with her wooden sword. "Today, next time maybe you will win" she commented, making him smile as her words offered him the reassurance he needed. "If you keep practising of course" she continued.

Her words were spoken with a normal tone, having the slightest of pride behind them and while not truly detectable; it was enough for Jaime. All those years, he had his father be super strict with him and not once say a good word about his progress.

Hearing her say it instead, made him feel warmth inside his chest and he lifted his head tall in pride. "You can count on it, Princess Visenya. One day I will defeat you"

This small exchange had drawn the attention of Rhaegar and Ser Barristan, who were surprised to see her more relaxed and less cold with the young boy; that sounded having no true respect for who Visenya was.

Yet, the discussion amused the Crown Prince. "Aunt Visenya losing? I would love to see that" he commented. "You were an honourable opponent, young Jaime" he added, giving a quick wink at the boy.


The whole interaction was been observed by Cersei from the upper balcony, eyes fully over the noble Prince as she leaned on the marble railing; a heavy sigh leaving her lips. By her side was her aunt, Genna, who had been watching with a goblet in her hand.

She placed her hand on the kid's back. "Worry not, Cersei. Your father has plans to arrange a marriage between you and the Crown Prince"

Her words seemed to make Cersei's green eyes glow with excitement. "Really?"

At the same time, on a floor higher, Tywin had been watching the training for a while now. His eyes were mostly on Visenya, observing her form better now that both were not trapped in battle.

He took notice that the Dragon Princess was quite good with the sword, capable of keeping an experienced knight like Ser Barristan from disarming her. At the same time, she seemed to be getting closer to Jaime or at least Jaime was warming up to her.

He spent most of the time observing her, a little bit disappointed by his son but could see potential in him; especially if he became the squire of Prince Rhaegar himself.


Lunch came fast and Aerys surprisingly asked to eat alone in his chambers, although his sister was sure he had found a mistress and was keeping her in his temporary residing chambers.

Not wanting to bother with him, Visenya ended up finding Kevan and the noble knight offered to lead her towards the Library, which she had not yet visited. At the same time, he talked a little bit about their childhood and Genna as well.

Visenya had spotted Genna observing her during training from afar but she did not seem willing to approach. The Dragon Princess found it odd but did not pressure it, especially after Genna had seen her and Tywin together on the balcony.

While nothing had taken place between them, much to her dismay, she was not sure what idea the female Lannister had taken.

When it was almost time for supper, Kevan had picked her up from the library and was escorting her. The Lannister knight seemed to enjoy her company, listening with respect to her opinions while she was focused on his stories and his travels from across Westeros.

Their calm walk was interrupted upon noticing Tywin marching towards his room. His body was tense, his eyes glaring with intense hatred and he seemed not to listen to them when they greeted him.

Instead, he headed straight for his chambers and truth to be told, Visenya had never seen him that angry even when Aerys offended Joanna.

She and Kevan exchanged a look of worry but also curiosity, wondering what could have taken place to make the cold-hearted composed Lion of Casterly Rock look ready for Murder.

"Go to him" Kevan suddenly said, unhooking his elbow from hers, earning her attention.

Visenya was confused for a moment, blinking slowly at his words. Did he know more than he let her know or did he suspect that he would not be able to get anything from him?

Either way, she nodded faintly and marched towards Tywin's chambers; her dark red dress trailing behind her. Eventually, after a little bit of walking, she knocked on his closed door but had no reply.

Curious, she pushed open the door and entered the private chambers of Tywin Lannister. She did not pay much attention to the decorations of the room, but rather on the fuming Tywin as he was gripping the wooden table edge until his knuckles turned a pale white.

"Tywin, what happened?" she asked him, slowly walking his way.

"That spoiled King happened! Trying to make me look like a fool after all I have done for him and the Realm" he hissed, his hands keeping a solid deadly grip on the desk edges as he retold her of his discussion with Aerys that took place not so long ago.

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