XXII. The Holy Union Between a Lion & a Dragon

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279 AC - King's Landing, CrownLands - Seat of Power: Aerys II Targaryen


The day of the Wedding arrived and to say a crowd had not gathered, it would be a lie. Many nobles brought their gifts and came to be present at one of the most important weddings of the year.

The Dragon Princess finally would get married and the Great Lion of Casterly Rock would no longer be a widow. It was an unexpected thing to be announced, the matching being rather unique to those who were not aware of the professional relationship between the two of them.

Yet, the event was said to be the talk of Westeros since for the first time in History, a Lion and a Dragon would unite. If one considered how influential and powerful both houses were, one might wonder why such a match hadn't taken place before.

No one had the answers to that but no one truly cared, since they could be present for the wedding instead.

Visenya was in her room, the maids working for a while now to ensure her dress was perfect. It was a white dress made of the finest of materials, the colour so bright it could reflect the sunlight like a mirror.

 It was a white dress made of the finest of materials, the colour so bright it could reflect the sunlight like a mirror

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It was a strapless dress exposing her cleavage slightly, her neckline, back and shoulders. It stopped just in front of her toes, tightly wrapping around her toned legs and if the light fell through it properly; one could barely see the colour of her skin.

A skirt was attached on top of it, spreading over her hips and meant to flow behind her when she walked. On top of the dress was a white and golden corset. The golden material was extra, embroidered on top of the corset and with a slight transparent nature it fell over her legs into two strips.

The most outstanding design of the dress, however, was the metallic armour-like parts meant to decorate and complete the outfit. A golden thick belt was the most noticeable accessory, followed by the golden upper bread plate that was shaped to cover the beginning of her dress and offer the slightest of modesty to her cleavage.

The last part was the golden arm braces that were placed on her upper and lower arm, similar to armour's arm guards.

Her hair had been braided the night before and as they were released, they fell around her face and on her exposed back in gentle small curls.

The outfit was one of a kind, a dress the world had never seen before and it was not Visenya's idea. Instead, responsible for the wedding and the dress were her sister Rhaella and her-to-be good-sister Genna Lannister.

The two women had worked rather well and had managed to plan anything, leaving Visenya in the dark until the wedding day.

"Honey, you look as if you are about to get married and then lead an army to victory" Genna commented, sitting on the princess' bed while holding a goblet with wine.

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