CXXV. Temporary Truce, part 2

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The day of the summit was not one Daenerys was looking forward to. She knew it had to be done but there were a lot of things she had to be mentally prepared with. She did not recall being that nervous not even during the day of her wedding to Khal Drogo, and that said something.

Yet, she had taken all the information Tyrion had given her and had chosen to fly to King's landing. By the time she arrived, everyone was there and she realized she was the last one to do so.

As her Dragons landed, she took a moment to observe the people she had to persuade; the very same ones she would later have to fight for the claim to the Iron Throne.

She took notice of the young boy wearing that stag golden crown on his head, easily knowing who that was. He was younger than her but she could see some similarities when it came to the face and even the colours the boy had inherited.

She shot a quick glance at his Queen and her family, mentally remembering what Tyrion had told her about them. It was not a lot but it was clear where they stood in all of this.

Thankfully, Tyrion's sister was not present; and Daenerys was glad. Based on what Tyrion had said, she was afraid they might have a problem; although he had made it clear as long as their Father was present, she would be harmless.

Her eyes went to the other side of the stage, immediately seeing the Lannister man, who looked a lot like Tyrion and Tommen. He was taller though, more handsome and wore armour with the familiar white cloak of the Kingsguard around his shoulders.

Yet the Mother of Dragons did not see any beauty, only disgust since he was the very same Lion that had stabbed her father to the back; allowing Tywin Lannister to sack the city and then Robert Baratheon to take the throne.

For a moment, her eyes went to the standing young man by the side of the Kingslayer. He looked like a Lannister but also did not look like one, since his face and his eyes were different than those of his siblings. He looked also relatively young compared to the others like Jaime and Tyrion, yet one could say he was taller than both.

Daenerys knew who the boy was but she did not pay him much attention since her violet eyes at last found her last two targets.

The couple she had heard so much of, was staring back at her as Drogo slowly started to lower his body and climb down; to allow her to dismount.

Violet eyes found amber ones and the two women stared in silence for a moment too long.

They both had the same white hair, although Visenya had a tint of silver while Daenerys had pure snowy white. Their eyes might be different but there were some key similarities between them. Daenerys even wondered if her mother would look anything like that, except for the eyes; considering they were sisters.

She did not know, although a part of her wished to ask. She had been expecting for them to meet, having so many questions for her. At first, she really thought she was the one helping her while growing up and she still did.

However, after Tyrion's last story; she was a little hesitant. The story made Visenya sound indeed like a Lion and Daenerys wondered if she would even think of siding with her and not with them.

She was not sure and she could not say at that moment. While Daenerys had a more expressive face, Visenya seemed to have mastery in showing nothing; even when her exiled niece was present.

Daenerys glanced at the man by her left, feeling the sharp, calculating and mistrustful gaze of the Old lion on her. Tyrion did not lie about him, she thought as she finally realized just how cold and intimidating a single man could be.

It did make her wonder how her aunt managed to survive and remain married to such a man for more than two decades and even bore him at least a son. She had no answer to that but perhaps if she ever were to manage and sit down with her aunt and talk; she might get some from her.

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