I. When a Lion & a Dragon Meet, part 1

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[A/N] - This is a sequel AU to my other story 'His Dragoness' and the second book in the 'Dragon Whisperer' Series. You do not have to read my previous book to get a hang of this story since in this time the Dragons are long dead and the Targaryen Family Line is a mess.

A few things from the other book will be casually mentioned, maybe a few Easter eggs or similarities but nothing crucial.

Also, since the timeline is a mess; I will change a few things either between time skips or the true age of certain characters; to make it more fitting with the story and keep the narrative flow smooth.


The Targaryens had been ruling the 7 Kingdoms for almost 2 centuries now. Some with disgrace, others with respect and some were simply unworthy to even sit on the famous Throne made of swords.

However, the ones that would leave their mark in history would come later; as a legacy to all those great Kings. It all started when love prevailed over arranged marriages and King Aegon V found all 4 of his sons marrying purely who their hearts desired. As long as it was not incest, the old King did not hold back or argue with such a decision.

He was, though, unaware of what fate awaited his dynasty and his house in the years that followed.

The Gods seemed to have plans for the realm, starting in 244 AC when Aerys the II was born to the family of Jeahaerys Targaryen himself. He also obtained a daughter 2 years prior but it was his third child that the Gods seemed to favour in the upcoming future.

Visenya II Targaryen seemed to have been graced by the Old Valyrian Gods both in terms of beauty but also talent. Despite her heritage, the moment the child opened her eyes; everyone knew whose reincarnation she seemed to be.

Jaehaerys gathered doubts in his heart, his body frail and his mind not as sharp. While still a prince, he found a woodwitch and asked for what awaited his children. In his eyes, his last daughter was a curse; just like her predecessor long before her.

Surprisingly, the witch never mentioned the baby child with the eyes of glowing flame. Instead, she mentioned the King who was Promised; a direct descendant by his lineage.

It was then, that he decided the fate of his children. While he ignored his youngest, he focused on his two eldest and despite his grandfather's wishes; he married brother and sister like their ancestors had done before them.

It was in 258 AC when his plans seemed to harbour fruit for young Rhaella became pregnant and soon gave birth to Rhaegar Targaryen. Jaehaerys knew that he was the king who was promised for the same year he was crowned King of the 7 realms.

The true game of the gods officially started a few tears later.


262 AC - King's Landing, Crownlands - Seat of Power: Aerys II Targaryen


The realm celebrated as much as it could while many of the great houses of the rest of the 6 Kingdoms had second thoughts about the whole event. The Red Keep was bursting with life, the halls filled with royals and house lords from across the Western Lands.

All came to pay their respects and pledge their alliance to the new King of the 7 Kingdoms; Aerys II Targaryen and his Queen Consort, Rhaella Targaryen.

While Aerys was just 18, there was life in his eyes and his mind had yet to become corrupted by power as the future awaited him. He was young, already with an heir and a warrior, who fought for his grandfather in the War of the NinePenny Kings.

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