LXI. Only a Dragon Can Handle a Jealous Lion

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[A/N] - I usually don't post 3 chapters but I felt like it was an early Xmas gift. Mostly cause of this nice smutty scene for all of you amazing readers who motivate me every day. I wake up each morning excited to check for your comments and gives me the energy to continue with my day (and also increases my obsession to keep writing this story XD). This is all yours <3


Visenya entered her chambers with a small sigh, only for her body to freeze at the spot upon seeing that there was someone in there. She expected them to be empty but Tywin was waiting for her, a wine goblet in one hand as he was busy staring outside the open window.

"Tywin, you are back early" she said, trying to hide the small uneasiness his silent presence caused for a moment.

"The meeting ended earlier than expected. Where were you?" he asked, turning his head to look at her.

She removed her cloak and placed it at the back of an armchair close to the fireplace. "I went for a walk to clear my head" she explained, feeling his sharp gaze on her back. "I had escort with me at all times" she added, suspecting that he did not fully approve of her decision.

"Hmm," he exclaimed, hiding his second thoughts well and watching her as she headed for the small mirror on top of a low table.

She started to remove all the golden jewellery from her hair, arms and clothing. "The feast went rather well, I would say. I have gained the approval of Lord Mace and Ser Loras. Margaery plays it innocent but I can see she is more cunning than others. I played my part and will keep playing until she forgets any of her suspicions as false thoughts" she explained.

She could see that he was tense, the meeting having frustrated him. Her absence did not help with his mood so she tried to make him think of something else, hoping to help ease his mind and maybe even focus on something else.

"Good. That old thorn, Olenna must have warned her to be careful" he commented as he let his now empty goblet on the table. "You were talking with Baelish before" he pointed out, a hint of jealousy becoming evident to her. "What did he want?"

"To try and charm me with his compliments like he does with all the court ladies" she explained. "He tried to intimidate me with words but I put him in his place. Lord of Harrenhal or not, he is my inferior at this moment"

She took out the pins that held her hair together and started to massage her head, allowing the silver-white locks to slowly fall on her back. She closed her eyes momentarily, enjoying the feeling of freedom after hours of having her hair pinned up.

She had not missed that part of court Westerosi fashion and she was not happy to be forced back at it.

"He is getting bolder around you" he pointed out and walked her way.

Opening her eyes, Visenya pulled her fingers off her hair. "He won't succeed on anything. I made my position clear and Trystan scared him away soon after" she reminded him as he finally stopped right behind her.

She could see him through the mirror, his face and eyes dark and his gaze sharp. He looked at her back through the mirror before he placed both his hands on her shoulders, his fingers cold against her unnaturally hot skin.

His hands started to squeeze her shoulders, fingers pressing against her skin with a grip strong for the warning to pass. "Stay away from him" he said but it was more of an order than a mere suggestion. "I do not trust him around you"

She smirked, always enjoying seeing his little quirks and actions of jealousy. "You do not trust any man around me" she pointed out.

The grip on his shoulders increased and she could feel the faintest of pressure from his side, almost as if trying to force her on her knees but she resisted. If there was one thing he had never managed to tame her enough to do so, was to kneel for him. She was too prideful to do so and she would fight him tooth and nail before she would give him that satisfaction

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