CLX. Queen of the Soldiers

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Winterfell, The North – Day - 1 Day Before They Return to King's Landing


The time to leave had almost reached them and not everyone was happy about it. Some had formed bonds and friendships while residing in the old winter castle and did not wish to leave so soon.

Others were a little more excited about it; having gotten enough of the cold weather and the sense that they were not on familiar ground.

Tywin was in the second category, looking forward to taking his family and returning to King's Landing; back to normality. Visenya had informed him of Daenerys' decision to drop her quest for the Iron throne and that now they had a dragon joining them.

He knew the latter would pose as a problem at first but he would find a way to make it work. He expected his good-niece to keep her word and not try anything when they had their defences lower. Of course, that did not mean he would not install the Scorpions on the walls; just in case.

Unlike him, his sons were not that eager to leave but they knew they did not have much of a say in this. They could not stay and neither could their mother, or else risk being killed as it was decided during her trial.

Thus, they spent a big majority of their day spending time with those they had started to befriend and care for; knowing very well they might never see each other again, or at least not any time soon.

However, they also worked on something that Visenya did not know but would eventually find out.

It was their last day at Winterfell and Visenya had recovered a lot as did the dragons. The soldiers had been healing and everyone could walk or ride, without holding back the rest of the troops.

It was not going to be the royal army that would leave with them but the rest of their allies as well, including Dorne, Westerlands, Reach and the Stormlands. After all, provisions were running low and it was about time many returned to their homes; and mourned the family and friends they lost in the big battle.

Visenya was walking alongside Tywin, the two of them heading for the main gates of Winterfell. They would do one last perimeter check of their forces, to ensure everything was ready and there would be no delays.

Tywin could have done this on his own but his wife refused to let him, wishing to participate once again actively with their troops. Knowing how stubborn she was, the Old Lion had to give in to her demands and let her join him.

They received a few looks here and there, some things having passively changed ever their public kiss but none truly bothered with them.

Just as they crossed the gates, Visenya took notice that almost all the armies had been gathered close to the walls; in clusters. Each cluster consisted of each allied Kingdom, soldiers of the same house standing next to each other.

The only ones she could not see were the North and the Riverlands.

She frowned faintly at the odd sight and her eyes found her sons, at the very front of the Lannister/Westerlands army but also Oberyn in front of the Dornish troops.

"What is going on?" she asked, stealing a glance at her husband; who did not seem surprised by it.

Jaime was the first to take a step forward and unseath his sword. "Just something you have long deserved, Mother" he said and to her surprise, he stabbed the sword into the ground and then bent his left knee.

Trystan followed suit and every soldier behind them followed, everyone having their swords pinned to the ground and their left knee bent. Even Oberyn copied him, using his spear instead while every soldier behind him did the same.

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